I Shall Use My Time: Cat’s Angel Message for October 23, 2019

daily Angel Message sms

I Shall Use My Time: Cat’s Angel Message for October 23, 2019

October’s Theme: Divine guidance and messages.  These messages are important for us personally, emotionally and spiritually so work on staying open to the information that you receive.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. – Jack London

1023:  Today’s number represents our personal evolution. As we evolve, on mental, emotional and spiritual levels it brings about events that help us to enhance our quality of life. The Universe is asking us to explore bold new ways to bring about our transformation. Embrace your power as a creator and believe without a doubt that you are able to walk the path of your choosing. Our spiritual guides are assisting us today by kindling our divine spark and reminding us that it’s there. This spark is essential to our powers of creation and helps us to communicate our dreams, goals, and desires. Don’t be afraid to express yourself as this is the first big step in our own evolution.

Archangel Uriel can help us to overcome obstacles by showing us where the solutions are that will lead to our success. He provides us with additional information that we need to make the most informed decisions we can. No problem is too great or too small for him to assist with. Uriel also helps us to gain spiritual understanding and creative insight. Today is a good day to simply touch base with him, ask for help if needed or simply express gratitude for the blessing in your life.

The Ascended Master Maitreya (Laughing Buddha) helps us to find peace and harmony through laughter, this gives us a clear perspective and keeps our energy flowing. He tells us that laughter is sacred and when the heart is alive with joy we are connected to the Infinite and filled with Nirvana-essence. Center your mind with the intent of enjoying yourself and you will find yourself centered in the moment. Enjoy what life has to offer and enjoy the process!

The Roman Goddess Vesta who oversees hearth and home. She helps us to clear space (both in our physical home and our inner home) to make room for new things and teaches us the value of letting go of what we no longer need. ” If something does not make your heart sing put it where it belongs or set it free. This will clear your inner and outer sacred space. Then open the doors and invite the new blessings inside.”

Our Sacred Stones for today include:

Larimar helps us to see the things that we have to be grateful for and the tiny miracles that we take for granted. This sky blue stone also helps to ease our obsession for material things and shows us how to put things into perspective so that you manifest what you really need. It shows us how to go with the flow

Beryl teaches us to fulfill our true potential. It helps us to see both sides of a situation, opportunity or problem and promotes strategic planning so that we can use it to our best advantage

Lepidolite helps us to focus on the important things. It filters out distractions and obsessive thinking as it soothes and heals stress, reminding us to just breathe.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

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