Appropriate Rituals: Cat’s Angel Message for May 14, 2019


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Appropriate Rituals: Cat’s Angel Message for May 14, 2019

May’s Theme: This month brings changes into your life. While change sometimes feels scary, it is a necessary thing for our overall growth. Be willing to embrace it and allow it to happen naturally and get ready for better things!

Don’t think you can attain total awareness and whole enlightenment without proper discipline and practice. This is egomania. Appropriate rituals channel your emotions and life energy toward the light. Without the discipline to practice them, you will tumble constantly backward into darkness. – Lao Tzu

514:  The practice of  grounding, clearing and centering is important to our emotional, mental and spiritual health. There are no rules on how often it should be done. But sometimes we need to perform this more often due to stress, major upheavals or changes. As we are currently working with changes we are being reminded that now might be a good time to engage in this self care ritual. This 3 step process helps to keep us balanced and promotes peace and harmony within ourselves and with the Universe. Now that the weather is warmer I suggest “earthing”. Going barefoot in the garden or grass is a wonderful way get grounded and to connect with the energy of Mother Earth. Allow yourself to “root” into the earth and just release, feel the sun on your face and let healing begin!

Archangel Michael can remove all psychic hooks, lines and cords that have been attached to your energy field. By simply asking him to do this is frees up your energy and promotes balance and sense of great peace. The Ascended Master Maitreya teaches us that laughter and joy create the positive energy we need to propel us forward. It helps us to let go stress and worry, which allows the light of faith and hope to shine through. laughter can also help us to clear our energy. And the Celtic goddess Nemetona teaches us that nature is the best place to recharge, she says ” I am the spirit of the sacred grove. I invite you to worship in my temple and feel the heartbeat of nature. This communion can heal a weary and battered soul and replenish your spirit with hope and divine peace.”

Our Sacred Stones for today include the following:  Amethyst which is associated with Archangel Michael. It calms and quiets internal chatter and “monkey mind”, which in turn enables us to relax and allow the grounding and balancing to take place and Hematite which has a strong connection to the earth element and helps us stay grounded and promotes feelings of safety. Hematite also brings mental clarity through focus and concentration which is essential letting go process which accompanies change.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:






Healing and Help: Cat’s Angel Message for April 19, 2019


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Healing and Help: Cat’s Angel Message for April 19, 2019

April Theme: We are being challenged to change ourselves. You have the power to make things happen and the Universe is on your side.

Every loving thought is true. Everything else is an appeal for healing and help, regardless of the form it takes. – A Course In Miracles

419: Within each of us is the ability to heal ourselves and others. Yes! You are qualifies on both accounts. The thing to remember about self healing is that it begins with you, and you must have the motivation and willingness to start the process and to keep it going. The Universe is reminding us that we are works in progress and are all at different levels. So don’t become discouraged if you go through a temporary setback or feel that you aren’t exactly where you think you should be. Baby steps work best and give us the option to make changes as we go. If you are working with others keep in mind that you don’t need to solve their problems for them, and that being a good listener and offering encouragement can work miracles. Don’t be stingy about helping others or yourself and the benefits will return ten fold!

Archangel Zadkiel provides emotional healing and  teaches us that true compassion and healing lies in our ability to to forgive ourselves and others. The Ascended Master Saint John of God  helps during the healing process and specializes in helping those suffering from depression and anxiety. And the Chinese goddess Kuan Yin  reminds us, “You are a beautiful soul and have so much to offer. I can guide you on the path of self love and help you to embrace the confidence you need to free your mind, heart and spirit. Your faith is essential to many things one of which is self care. By taking care of your needs the doors to self empowerment will open for you.”

Our Sacred Stones for today include, Moonstone which can assist emotional healing by helping to stabilize the emotions and draw out old emotional patterns. Sometimes as a healer you need a little help after working with others. Lapis Lazuli which helps us to confront the truth of a situation and promotes acceptance of the lesson involved. It promotes clarity and help us express our opinions in a positive manner and teaches us the value of being an active listener, and gentle Prehnite promotes unconditional love and helps you to clear your energy when you need it most.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:


Cat’s Morning Bits for March 4, 2019


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Cat’s Morning Bits for March 4,  2019

Good Morning Beautiful Souls, grab a cup of your favorite morning brew and start things off with “Today’s Inspirations”. I hope you find something here that will make you feel good or help you on your path today.

Blessings, Cat


While the bright radiant sun in centre glows,
The earth in annual motion round it goes;
At the same time on its own axis reels,
And gives us change of seasons as it wheels.
-James Russell Lowell (1819-91)


Spiritual Unite: As Above So Below Meaning

Few phrases can claim to be as influential in human thinking than “As above, so below.”
This idea is central to many cultures, religions and belief systems – though many people do not fully understand the reasons why.


Spirit Library: The Re-Weaver – A Story About Healing and Purpose

We have spent so much time being strong and supportive for others, ensuring that everyone has what they need to become healed, whole, and complete, and we wonder when it’s our turn. Many of us have had important soul contracts to fulfill in the first part of our life and healing has been the focus through which they are fulfilled


MBG: Monthly Horoscope: This March Will Be Supercharged With Badass Feminine Energy

March on, people! Pisces season isn’t quite as freewheeling and flowy this year. In fact, the tides are turning—and yes, we are also talking about the 660-mile iceberg that’s breaking off the Antarctic shelf…as well as the fact that it’s Women’s History Month during one of the fiercest female-powered eras in decades. With the north node in Cancer, the divine feminine sign, for the first time in 18 years, we’re all feeling a little “notorious RBG” right now!


Daily Good: Reconnecting to the Soil, to Heal Ourselves and the Planet

“For thousands of years Black people have had a sacred relationship with soil that far surpasses our 246 years of enslavement and 75 years of sharecropping in the United States. For many, this period of land-based terror has devastated that connection. We have confused the subjugation our ancestors experienced on land with the land herself, naming her the oppressor and running toward paved streets without looking back. We do not stoop, sweat, harvest, or even get dirty because we imagine that would revert us to bondage.” More in this thought-provoking piece.

Part of the work of healing our relationship with soil is unearthing and relearning the lessons of soil reverence from the past


EarthSky News: Use Big Dipper to locate Hunting Dogs

Tonight, or any March evening, look for the Big Dipper in the northeast sky. This star pattern – one of the most noticeable from Northern Hemisphere locations – is part of the constellation Ursa Major, the Greater Bear. And, if you can find the Big Dipper, you can also find two Hunting Dogs seen by the ancient stargazers to be nipping at the Bear’s heels. The Hunting Dogs are a separate constellation: tiny Canes Venatici.

Patheos-Pagan: Good Judgment? or Nonjudgmental? Let’s Unpack This… 

The progressive folks I know often say they are “nonjudgmental” in an attempt to illustrate how accepting of diversity we are, and that we have compassion for our fellow man, no matter what. Witches call that unconditional Divine Love. Yet, we also regularly extol the virtues of showing “good judgment” in our lives, as a means of navigating our way through a successful life


Inner Journey: 


“The significant business of your life is alive and well, awaiting discovery, within your very soul. You and I were born to come into ourselves as complete and distinctive persons. Accepting this, we build a valuablelife.”
— Marsha Sinetar

What is the significant business of your life? What is your purpose? Andrew Schneider says that purpose “is more than just having a direction. It is about one’s place in the universe. It is the journey of finding that place and being there and living fullywhatever that place is. It is your own unique place that nobody else has, had, or will have.”

How would you describe your place in the universe?

“We become powerful in the face of our fears when we have a sense that we make a difference in this world. Affirmations of purpose communicate the truth that we are all meaningful participants in this Universe and thatwe are worthy of giving and receiving love. Some affirmations of purpose are:

– I know that I count and I act as though I do.
– I spread warmth and love everywhere I go.
– I am a healing force in the Universe.”
— Susan Jeffers

“The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”
— Joseph Addison

A Note from the Universe

At all times and in all places always be the first to smile.

Beat you,

The Universe

Today’s Recipe: Apple Crown Cake

This is my mother’s apple cake recipe that I’ve made my own. I now make it for her to treat her like royalty (it resembles a crown)! The added applesauce not only enhances the apple flavour, but also makes it very moist. The almond flour gives it some weight and character. This is one of my favourite cakes. Thanks, Queen Mum! 😉

Magical Correspondences for Monday 

Intentions: Psychic Sensitivity, Women’s Mysteries, Tides, Waters, Emotional Issues, Agriculture, Animals, Female Fertility, Messages, Theft, Reconcilliations, Voyages, Dreams, Medicine, Visions and Merchandise

Incense: African Violet, Honeysuckle, Myrtle, Willow, Wormwood
Planet: Moon
Sign: Cancer
Angel: Gabriel
Colors: Silver, White and Gray
Herbs/Plants: Night Flowers, Willow Root, Orris Root, Birch, Motherwort, Vervain, White Rose and White Iris
Stones: Carnelian, Moonstone, Aquamarine, Pearl, Clear Quartz, Flourite, Geodes
Oil: (Moon) Jasmine, Lemon, Sandalwood

Goddesses: Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaeleach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The Greeks Associated With Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast

Daily Wisdom
March 4, 2019


“The great hope of society is individual character.”-William Ellery Channing (1780-1842)

We each carry with us the hope of the world. We each make a difference. Every action we take reveals our character. We must deliberately and intentionally strive to make this world a better place. And we will –one by one.

-Lissa Coffey


Beliefnet: Which Crystals Are Best For Healing?

Use these crystals to draw out negative energy from your body.

Most people look at crystals and simply think of them as pretty rocks. However these gemstones and minerals may have more power than meets the eye. Some of the most beautiful crystals also have some of the most potent healing properties

About Cat’s Morning Bits: These daily post are reblogged from various email newsletters that I receive each day.

I invite you to check out my websites!

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!
Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Cat’s Morning Bits for February 19, 2019

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Cat’s Morning Bits for February 19, 2019

Good Morning Beautiful Souls, grab a cup of your favorite morning brew and start things off with “Today’s Inspirations”. I hope you find something here that will make you feel good or help you on your path today.

Blessings, Cat


The sky is low, the clouds are mean,
A travelling flake of snow
Across a barn or through a rut
Debates if it will go.

-Emily Dickinson (1830-86)


Spirit Library: Saturn: Re-set and Rebuild

If you’re feeling like 2019 has you pressing the re-set button, or like you’re re-experiencing things from a couple of years ago but this time in a different way, read on!

All this year Saturn will be going over the degrees that Pluto was travelling over from 2015-2018. (Saturn will go over those degrees three times in fact!)


MBG: This Is What February’s Supermoon Could Mean For You

Mission: Living your best life—now! February’s full moon is a supermoon, meaning it arrives at the closest possible proximity to planet Earth. While it might not appear larger to the naked eye, we may feel its stirring effects in a stronger dose. Since this lunation dovetails with the flurriest time of year in the northern hemisphere


Daily Good:Books are the Original Internet

Maria Popova is a Bulgarian-born writer, blogger, literary and cultural critic living in Brooklyn, New York. She writes Brain Pickings, a blog she calls “my one-woman labor of love.” In this interview by Oscar Schwartz, she says “Books are the original internet.” Schwarts calls her “switched on, irresistibly articulate, fully engaged…She talks about complex ideas in a way that transforms them into something I want to talk about with my friends. She makes big concepts relevant.”


Did You Know?​​​​​​​

The word February has been derived from the word ‘februa’, which translates to purification and cleansing, adapted from the Roman ‘Festival of Purification’, and muses pre-Spring rituals. ‘Februo’ literally means ‘I purify by sacrifice’.


Pioneer Thinking: Designing a Home That Heals

Home is where the heart is; peaceful, quiet and blissfully serene. A home that heals gives you love and vibrates with your energy, designing and decorating such a home comes naturally with the philosophies of ancient spirituality.


EarthSky News: Year’s biggest supermoon on February 19

But this year’s February presents the biggest full moon supermoon of 2019. From around the world, the moon will look plenty full to the eye on both February 18 and February 19 as it parades across the nighttime sky. It reaches the crest of its full phase on February 19 for much of the world. What’s a supermoon?

Patheos-Pagan: Being a Positive Pagan in a Dark World

The world is rough nowadays. It seems like it’s increasingly harder to be positive. Between drama, in-fighting, people lashing out behind computer screens, people suffering publicly, traumatizing life events, disease, the world as it is today…that list is long and seemingly growing longer.


Inner Journey:


“Don’t discard your fantasies as merely wishful thinking. Honor them as messages from the deepest part of your being about what you can do and directions you can choose.”
— Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

What are your deepest heart-felt desires, dreams and visions?

Our deepest desires and dreams align with the essence of who we are. The more we align with that essence, the more our life holds meaning, purpose and fulfilment. Do you have a sense of your destiny?

“Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.”
— Dale E. Turner

“Everybody builds a dream in their lifetime. You’re either going to build your dream, or somebody else’s. So build your own!”
— Christopher LaBrec

A Note from the Universe

Earth is for champions, heroes, and lovers. Winners of an ancient race won in realms long forgotten against fear, doubt, and vagueness.

You’re here because you prevailed. You saw clearly. Strong in spirit, deep in character, and fast to fall in love. And for these extraordinary qualities, anything you can now imagine you’ve already earned.


The Universe

Herbal Muse: Lavender & Oat Bath Bombs

These little jewels are fun to use and lend wonderful fragrance to the bath. The combination of baking soda, powdered lavender flowers and powdered oatstraw lend healing properties to sooth the skin and frazzled nerves. You can use candy or small soap molds for this project, but for best results use the two-piece type of mold made specifically for this purpose (available from Amazon, craft supply stores, etc.) This recipe makes 6-8 bath bombs, depending on the size of your molds

Magical Correspondences for Tuesday 

Intentions: Courage, Destination, Physical Strength, Revenge, Military Honors, Surgery and the Breaking of Negative Spells, Matrimony, War, Enemies, Prison, Vitality and Assertiveness

Incense: Dragon’s Blood, Patchouli, Lignum Aloes, Plantain

Perfumes: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli
Planet: Mars
Sign: Aries and Scorpio
Angel: Samuel
Colors: Red and Orange
Herbs/Plants:Red Rose, Cock’s Comb, Pine, Daisy, Thyme and Pepper
Stones: Carnelian, Bloodstone, Ruby, Garnet and Pink Tourmaline
Oil: (Mars) Basil, Coriander, Ginger

Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu, Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman

Daily Wisdom
February 19, 2019


A man there was, though some did count him mad,
The more he cast away, the more he had.”

-John Bunyan (1628-1688)

So many people have said the same thing: when you give, you receive. Whatever it is that you want in your life, give that. Somehow, it comes back to you, in a bigger and better way. Somehow, what you are looking for finds you. You have to put it out there; it has to circulate. Rather than hold on to something, set it free. Let it live, let it breathe, let it grow. Giving is good for everyone.

-Lissa Coffey


Beliefnet: How Words Create Your Life

Our words are not a response to our environment. Our environment is a response to our words. That bears repeating: what you say is creating your life.


About Cat’s Morning Bits: These daily post are reblogged from various email newsletters that I receive each day.

I invite you to check out my websites!

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!
Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Cat’s Morning Bits for February 1, 2019

CMB canva sm

Cat’s Morning Bits for February 1, 2019

Good Morning Beautiful Souls, grab a cup of your favorite morning brew and start things off with “Today’s Inspirations”. I hope you find something here that will make you feel good or help you on your path today.

Blessings, Cat


Little darling,
I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been clear
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right.

-The Beatles (released 1969)


Spirit Library: Prepare for Chinese New Year – Thriving in Year of Earth Pig or Boar

As you prepare for the Earth pig or boar year and the next steps on your path, I suggest being mindful of breakthroughs available in these moments of revolutionary change. The current energies indeed support breakthroughs and shifts in outmoded viewpoints. Continue reading to understand how you can benefit most from this juncture


MBG: Monthly Horoscope: Why You Might Want To Put Your Valentine’s Day Plans On Hold This Year

The shortest month of 2019 is one of its most action-packed. Just when we all figured out how to say “super blood Wolf Moon lunar eclipse” without tying our tongues, February sweeps in with its own kind of intensity. We’re all being pushed to make uncomfortable but crucial changes.


Daily Good: The Universe as an Infinite Storm of Beauty

Taking a walk in a quiet woods, gazing up into the night sky, or even walking in a crowd in a large city somewhere in the world, we may find ourselves having transcendent moments along with John Muir. These moments awaken us to our place within the universe at the same time that they disorient us as we realize how small we are. In this piece, writer Maria Popova helps us to see through John Muir’s eyes that our smallness is what connects us so universally to everything else that is. In being humbled, no longer do we get lost in the illusion that humans dominate creation. With Muir as our guide, we can realize that we are joined to everything else in creation.


Herbal Muse: 5 Herbs for Congestion and Cough

Few things are worse than an annoying tickle in the back of the throat, or a relentless, hacking cough that seems to hang on forever. Conventional cough syrups can help with symptoms, but they are usually laden with alcohol and other ingredients that cause drowsiness or are otherwise unsuitable for some people, including children. Fortunately, there are several few herbal allies that are effective at reducing congestion and cough we can turn to.


EarthSky News: Will you catch the moon and Saturn before sunrise February 2?

Have you seen Saturn yet? It’s just now returning to the east before sunup. Before dawn on February 2, 2019, see if you can catch the slender waning crescent moon near Saturn. Watch for the twosome to appear low in the southeast as darkness gives way to dawn (90 to 75 minutes before sunrise).

Patheos-Pagan: The Truth Of “A Witch That Can’t Hex, Can’t Heal”

These days there seems to be growing divide between magickal practitioners who claim the truth of witchery compared to those who embrace a lighter form of the craft. The expression “a witch that can’t hex, can’t heal” is often offered as a counterpoint to sayings like “harm none,” but what does this saying truly mean?


Inner Journey:


“If you’re having difficulty coming up with new ideas, then slow down. For me, slowing down has been a tremendous source of creativity. It has allowed me to open up — to know that there’s life under the earth and that I have to let it come through me in a new way. Creativity exists in the present moment. You can’t find it anywhere else.”
— Natalie Goldberg

Feeling trapped in some way? Give yourself space. Space to do nothing but breathe. To intentionally relax those tight muscles. To just for a few precious minutes, let it all go.

The world will keep turning if you tune out for a short while. And your world will begin to recover its balance.

“It’s important to be heroic, ambitious, productive, efficient, creative, and progressive, but these qualities don’t necessarily nurture soul. The soul has different concerns, of equal value: downtime for reflection, conversation, and reverie; beauty that is captivating and pleasuring; relatedness to the environs and to people; and any animal’s rhythm of rest and activity.”
— Thomas Moore

A Note from the Universe

As mentioned in the brochures used for recruiting alien life forms from distant realities: “‘Time and Space’ is where you’re never judged, only loved, anyone can be a rock star, and your keys will be wherever you left them.”

Spot on, huh?

Wiki this,

The Universe

Today’s Recipe: Potato Tahdig (Crispy Potato Cake)

Tahdig is a traditional savoury Persian treat. What started as the crispy crust that got stuck to the bottom of your pan has rapidly become the most sought-after part of the meal. I like to eat it with stews. I learned how to make it from my mother, who learned how to make it from her mother in law, who was an amazing cook, God rest her soul. 🙂

Magical Correspondences for Friday

Intentions: Love, Pleasure, Affairs of the Heart, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Peace, Healing, Beauty, gentleness and Women’s Issues.

Incense: Strawberry, Sandalwood, Rose, Saffron, Verbena and Vanilla
Planet: Venus
Sign: Libra and Taurus
Angel: Ariel
Colors: Green, Pink, Aqua
Herbs/Plants: Pink Rose, Ivy, Birch, Heather, Clematis, Sage, Violet and Water Lilly

Stones: Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Pink Tourmaline, Peridot, Emerald and Jade
Oil: (Venus) Cardamom, Palmrosa, Rose, Yarrow, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris

Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

Daily Wisdom
February 1, 2019 


“If you don’t wake up with something in your stomach every day that makes you think, “I want to make this movie,” it’ll never get made.”

-Sherry Lansing
A commitment isn’t something we have to talk ourselves into. It’s identifying something we believe in so much, and want for ourselves so much, that it becomes a part of who we are. A commitment involves caring, and dedication, and loyalty beyond any distractions.

-Lissa Coffey


Beliefnet: 6 Easy Ways to Shake Off a Bad Day
You don’t have to stay in the dumps all day.
How many times have you been stuck in a funk all day? Maybe your morning got off to a bad start, and you never really managed to turn that around. Perhaps you had a fight with someone during the afternoon, and your irritable mood persisted long after the actual argument had ended.

About Cat’s Morning Bits: These daily post are reblogged from various email newsletters that I receive each day.

I invite you to check out my websites!

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!
Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

What Lies Within: Cat’s Angel Message for January 9, 2019 

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What Lies Within: Cat’s Angel Message for January 9, 2019 

January’s Theme: Stay focused on your desires and not your fears or past happenings. Our thoughts  are ready to manifest into reality and by staying focused on what’s positive we lessen the power of the things that we fear.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

19:  Today our message focuses on two things, self help and service.  The Universe is reminding us that our angels and helpers are here to help us create a better life for ourselves and for others. These two things are often connected because as we help ourselves we are also helping those closest to us. Remember that being of service does not always mean  offering our time, and energy to the community or to the world. While this path is the right one for some it’s not true for everyone, although it can be very fulfilling. The truth is that before we can help others was must first be willing to help ourselves. Through our own actions we find ourselves leading by example. This shows others that positive changes can be made. It provides inspiration to those who need it and  everyday whether we are aware of it or not, we make a difference in someone’s life in a positive way. Today the angels are asking us to share your optimistic glow while projecting good vibes to those around you.

Archangel Zadkiel teaches us that true compassion and healing lies in our ability to to forgive ourselves and others. This is one of the best self healing practices and gifts that we can give ourselves.  Ascended Master Serapis Bey helps us to release our troubles and offers clear guidance and motivation regarding our own self improvement. And the Roman Goddess Venus teaches us to truly appreciate ourselves. She says “You must put loving self care first.By doing so you become confidently empowered and fully connected to your own divine nature.”

Our Sacred Stone for today is Desert Rose (Selenite). These beautiful stone “flowers” help to increase our understanding of our own personal value in the universal plan. It dissolves self imposed programming and help us replace it with something more positive which inspires loving well being.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:




 Creating the Groundwork: Cat’s Angel Message for December 19, 2018 

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 Creating the Groundwork: Cat’s Angel Message for December 19, 2018 

December’s Theme: Pay close attention to recurring thoughts and ideas. These messages and clues will assist you to make improvements in your life. Taking action will aid in manifestation.

I just refer to myself as being Spirit, Mind and Body like everybody else and working toward the mastery of my natural divinity and the healing of my emotional mind. – Leonard Orr

1219:  Spirituality and our own innate healing abilities create the groundwork for today’s message. The Universe is gently reminding us that we are qualified to help and heal both ourselves and others. However, this  begins with you and you must have the motivation and willingness to start the process and to keep it going. The important thing about self-healing is to keep in mind that we are always a work in progress and that healing the self is never a one time thing. If you are working with others the key lies in listening and remembering that we are not here to FIX them. The truth is that if  someone has a problem they are not usually looking for you to fix it they simply need to talk it out. Allowing your spiritual nature to come forward as you perform the simple act of giving someone your undivided attention and really hearing them (even if you can’t do much else) is extremely helpful. Within each of us resides the divine power that enables us to heal. Don’t be stingy about helping others or yourself and the benefits will return tenfold.

Archangel Raphael supports and assists healing of all kinds. He can show you the way to helping yourself and others. The Ascended Master Padre Pio also helps us with healing through forgiveness and spiritual growth. And the Hindu god Ganesh  who is best known to bring prosperity, is also the remover of obstacles. This includes those that life drops in our path and those we create for ourselves. Both of which often require healing on some level.

Our Sacred Stones are Moonstone and Rose Quartz. Both have wonderful personal healing energies and both promote caring and compassion. For an extra boost add a Quartz Crystal into the mix to boost the overall energy.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:




In Silence by Cat


KODAK Digital Still Camera

In Silence

The goddess of the desert speaks to me in silence.

Her breath, cool and dry, washes over me in gentle benediction.

It touches the wounded places inside and soothes my battered spirit.

Too much. Too much!

And my soul which has been ready to fly cries “Take me with you and let me dwell in silence too!”

Her breath again touches me; soothing me.

And from the silence she speaks; “Stay, it is not yet your time.  I am here. Take comfort from the silence within. Embrace it and hold me close.”

The voice fades on the desert breeze. Leaving me alone with the silence and a feeling of peace that washes over me with gentle benediction.


(C) LBolotin/Cat 2018

Using Your Pilot Light: Cat’s Angel Message for June 15, 2018 

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Using Your Pilot Light: Cat’s Angel Message for June 15, 2018 

 June Theme: Balancing our need/desire for earthly materials (possessions, money etc) with focus and faith while staying grounded and present.

Some struggle is healthy. If you can embrace it rather than be angry, you can use it as your pilot light. – Damon Wayans 

615:  Rising above negative thoughts/feeling and  indulging in self care are on the universal agenda today. There are times when rising above feels like a monumental task. This can be  especially true when there are negative things going on around us. When we experience negativity in any form it makes an impression. We get angry, freaky or we absorb it causing a harmful dis-ease that festers inside. Sounds pretty gnarly right? I mean who really wants to go on someone else’s negative roller coaster ride, or your own for that matter. This trap is easy to get caught in and we’ve all been there. The angels advice is pretty clear on this. “The best thing that you can do for yourself is to acknowledge the situation and surround it with healing energy. Then send it to us to deal with. Surround yourself with positive people and energy. Make your own self care one of your top priorities. Remember, you cannot be healthy for others if you are not healthy for yourself!”

Our helpers for today are the Archangels Michael and Zadkiel. They work together to replace  any and all negative energies that we come into contact with. You can call on Michael for protection when you feel overwhelmed with the “energies” of others, he will keep you safe both physically and emotionally. Gaining his assistance is a s easy as “Archangel Michael please help me now!” Zadkiel is the healing half of this duo. He helps us get rid of the emotional residue from negative encounters and encourages us down the path to self care.

Our Sacred Stones for today include Amethyst which is the stone of Archangel Michael. It is a powerful protective stone that works to stop energy attacks. Smoky Quartz dissolves negative emotions. Sunstone teaches us to nurture ourselves as it clears all the chakras and brings both light and energy.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

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A Healing Wish: Cat’s Angel Message for December 19 , 2017 

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A Healing Wish: Cat’s Angel Message for December 19 , 2017   

December’s Theme:  Pay close attention to recurring thoughts and ideas. These messages and clues will assist you to make improvements in your life.

The wish for healing has always been half of health.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

1219: Spirituality and our own innate healing abilities are the groundwork for today’s message. The Universe is gently reminding us that qualified to help and heal both ourselves and others. This process starts with you and you must have the motivation and willingness to start the process and to keep it going. The important thing about self-healing is to keep in mind that we are always a work in progress and that healing the self is never a one time thing.  If you are working with others the key lies in listening and remembering that we are not here to FIX them. The truth is that if a someone has a problem they are not usually looking for you to fix it they simply need to talk it out. By allow your spiritual nature to come forward as you perform the simple act of  giving someone your undivided attention and really hearing them (even if you can’t do much else) is extremely helpful. Within each of us resides the divine power that enables us to heal. Don’t be stingy about helping others or yourself and the benefits will return  tenfold.

 Archangel Raphael supports and assists healing of all kinds. He can show you the way to helping yourself and others. The Ascended Master Padre Pio also helps us with healing through forgiveness and spiritual growth and the Hindu god Ganesh is best known to bring prosperity, however he is also the remover of obstacles, those that life drops in our path and those we create for ourselves. Our Sacred Stones are Moonstone and Rose Quartz. Both have wonderful personal healing energies and both promote caring and compassion. For an extra boost add a Quartz Crystal to the mix to boost the overall energy.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!


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