Cat’s Bits for September 3- 9 “Celtic Tree Month of Vine”


Cat’s Bits for September 3- 9 “Celtic Tree Month of Vine”


September Events:

Sept 2: Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins

Sept 4: Labor Day

Sept 6: Full  Harvest Moon at 3:03 am EST

Sept 20: New Moon at 1:30 am EST

Sept 21: International Day of Peace

Sept 22: Fall Equinox/ Mabon and Sun enters Libra at 4:02 pm EST

Sept 30: Celtic Tree Month of Ivy begins



The Celtic Tree Month of Vine

I dreamed this mortal part of mine
Was metamorphosed to a vine,
Which, crawling one and every way…
from Robert Herrick’s “The Vine”VINE LORE

The Celtic month of Vine or Muin runs from September 2nd to September 29th.

The month of Vine is the bridge between the Autumn Equinox and the dark time of the year that begins at Samhain. Muin is an Ogham word that means highest of beauty and strongest of effort and the Irish word Muine means thicket.

Vine symbolizes emotion and sensuality and represents the clinging aspirations of artists and of poets. Vine refers to specifically to the Grape Vines. In mythology, the grape vine is personified in the God Dionysus or Bacchus, who brought the art of wine making to mankind. Carvings of this god show him with an ivy wreath upon his head and his body covered with grapes and leaves. As such he resembles the GreenMan of the celtic traditions. In Pagan/Wiccan traditions the five pointed leaves are sacred to the Goddess as is the spiral growing pattern of thevines themselves.


This is not a tree but more like a shrub and is probably the oldest cultivated plant in the world. It is a long lived plant and scientists have found fossilized grape leaves that date back 40 million years! These vines have large lobed leaves and produce small whitish flowers, that in turn produce grapes. Vine can grow up to 115 feet in length and live to a recorded life span of 600 years. The stem of very old grape vines have been know to produce “planks” 15 inches wide when cut. This vine has no uses other than wine making.

In healing, vine is known for it’s restorative and regenerative powers. It can help with fever, the leaves and seeds were used to stop hemmoraging, bleeding and inflamation. Grapes are rich in iron, and vitamins and provide an excellent source of instant energy. They are also a laxative and a diuretic. Blackberries were used by the ancient Greeks to treat gout. In England the leaves were used to treat burns while berries were used to treat bug bites, loose teeth and sore throats. The bark and roots are known for their astringent properties and are still used today.


Vine is female and is ruled by the moon. It can be used to promote prosperity, fertility, mental powers and can be used in garden magick. Ritual uses include celebrations, grounding and faery magick. Use the leaves of this plant to enhance your own goals and ambitions. Vine is also one of the nine sacred woods burned at Beltane as a symbol of joy.

Vines properties are as follows:

Thistle: Protection, strength, exorcism, hex breaking
Blueberry: Spirituality, protection and dream magick
Grape: Garden magick fertility, prosperity/money and binding
Blackberry: Protection, healing and properity

To dream of grapes/blackberries is a sign of abundance, if the leaves are green then success is coming your way and if you are harvesting the berries your income will be a good one. To dream of walking through a vinyard fortells of prosperity.

Here is a recipe for Vine Moon Tea (good for use in Earth magic, sex magic, overcoming difficulties):
1 part blackberry
1 part dandelion
splash of currant wine or Grape juice
pinch of hibiscus


Vine people have high personal standards and tend to be natural socializers and well organized. They also have well developed insticts and an eye for detail however this can become an issue as they can be highly self critical. They are also secretly romantic and sensitive. Vine people have a dual personality and can be happy one minute and down the next. It is important for Vine people to learn the importance of balance between giving and receiving.

To choose Vine as a magickal name can indicate that you are a climber and have great potential. You are willing to work hard to achieve what you want.

Deities: Dionysus, Osirus, Branwen,Brigid, Danu, Freya , Hathor, Bacchus, Dagd, Etain.
Animals: White swan, eagle, lizard, hound
Sacred Stones: Blue beryl and emerald

written by CatSister 2010
The New Book of Magical Names by Phoenix McFarland
Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs
Whispers from the Woods by Sandra Kynes

Grapes on the Vine photo:

Bright Blessings for a Magickal Week!



Laura (Cat) Bolotin has been following an eclectic pagan/spiritual path for over 25 years. She currently lives in Western Colorado where she enjoys communing with nature, desert crawling, belly dancing, nature photography, jewelry crafting and writing stuff she hopes will help others along their path. She is married and owned by 5 cats.



Please feel free to check out my websites!

The Desert Path: The Dusty Ramblings of a Desert Pagan.

Sacred Spirals on Facebook: The Place Where All Paths Meet

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