Everywhere I Go: Cat’s Angel Message for March 7, 2019

daily Angel Message sms

Everywhere I Go: Cat’s Angel Message for March 7, 2019 

March Theme: This month carries the energy of the Ascended Masters. We will be working to improve self love, inner peace and overall clarity. These things will help on the path to manifesting our dreams and goals.

Everywhere I go, I still have time to meditate. People think meditating is sitting there, nobody bothering you, but you can even talk and still meditate. – Jet Li

37: Take some time today to engage in meditation. Like our quote for the day from Jet Li meditation doesn’t necessarily means sitting still. Go for a walk or simply gather impressions from what’s going on around you. Make note of details, feelings, thoughts and ideas that come to you, don’t force things to come to you just let them flow naturally. You can even ask questions or gain peaceful reassurance from the Divine Sources, the Angel or Ascended Masters. Meditation is also a form of self care, which is important to our overall well-being. It helps us to regain our balance and allows us to ground and center. The Ascended Masters are just reminding us today to embrace awareness of your world and yourself and feel the budding of new growth!

Archangel Jophiel reminds us that goodness and beauty surround us all the time. By keeping ourselves open to receiving these blessings it draws the things we need directly to us. She reminds us that slowing down activates our creative mind and makes these things easier to visualize and grasp.  The Ascended Master Babaji encourages us to follow our spiritual paths. He can show you the path to letting go of material things and how to simplify your life. You can connect with him through breathwork and yoga. And the Hindu goddess Green Tara says “Come and sit beside me. Breathe and calm your mind and heart. In the center of your being lives the fire of your own creation, feel it and bring it forward. Allow it to bring with it your confidence and courage, do not fear, I am here with you.”

Our Sacred Stones for today include the following. Seraphinite when used with meditation promotes spiritual enlightenment and self healing. Meditating with Danburite helps us access our inner guidance system and Satin Spar Selenite makes it a great meditation stone. It opens the crown chakra to help us receive universal guidance as it calms the emotions and promotes inner peace.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

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