A Sense of Living: Cat’s Angel Message for May 30, 2017

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A Sense of Living: Cat’s Angel Message for May 30, 2017 

May’s Theme:  Change – Growth – Embrace New Adventures

Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is enough.  ~ Emily Dickinson

530:  Today the Angels want us to know that they are proud of us. In the last month we have we faced change and learned how to fully embrace our faith. While these things have  empowered us it has also been a challenge. We have also strengthened our connection and relationship to both the Angels and the Ascended Masters and we have learned that we can call on them when we need to. Take a moment today to offer gratitude to the Universe for life, for love, and all the blessings that surround you. Then take a ME day to restore and center….. You’ve earned it!

Since self care is on the docket today any of the following Ascended Masters can help: Saint John of God brings us feeling of security, helps lift our spirits and increases our levels of joy. Melchizedek can assist us through all forms of color therapy (reiki, chakra work, crystals, Feng Shui etc.) Maitreya (Laughing Buddha)  bestows peace on all levels and teaches us the power of joy and laughter and Kuan Yin helps us to embrace self care and compassion. Our Sacred Stones for today are Spinel which rejuvenates our energy, Rose Quartz for all aspects of self and care, and Chalcedony that brings mind, body, spirit and emotions into harmony as it brings good feeling towards self and others.

Blessings for a magickal day!


I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts!  at www.catstreasuretrove.weebly.com
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacredSpirals/ 
The Desert Path: The Dusty Ramblings of a Desert Pagan. https://catsister.wordpress.com
Daily readings are written by Cat. Angel graphic is created and (C)LBolotin 2016-17.


To Live For a Moment: Cat’s Angel Number for May 29, 2017

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To Live For a Moment: Cat’s Angel Number for May 29, 2017 

May’s Theme:  Change – Growth – Embrace New Adventures

The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle. ~ Anais Nin

529: We have been talking about faith quite a bit in the last few days and how it’s important for our well being. As we prepare to close out the month of May the Angels are sending us the following message: ” Your faith in yourself and in the Divine plays an important part in the changes that you are making. These changes will not only help you and your loved ones they will also shed light on your divine purpose. Teach by example that faith helps create positive change and self empowerment.”

Call upon your favorite angel, archangel, deity or ascended master today. Just touch base with them, ask for help if needed or simply express gratitude for the blessing in your life. Our sacred stones for today are Quartz Crystal to help you live life joy and to it’s fullest, Rose Quartz to bring inner peace and authentic love and Green Quartz to attract success and abundance surrounded by loving energy.

Blessings for a magickal day!


I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts!  at www.catstreasuretrove.weebly.com
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacredSpirals/ 
The Desert Path: The Dusty Ramblings of a Desert Pagan. https://catsister.wordpress.com
Daily readings are written by Cat. Angel graphic is created and (C)LBolotin 2016-17.

Delight and Surprise: Cat’s Angel Number for May 28, 2017

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Delight and Surprise: Cat’s Angel Number for May 28, 2017 

May’s Theme:  Change – Growth – Embrace New Adventures

May your season shine with delight and surprise.  ~Mary Anne Radmacher

528: Having faith is a powerful thing. It increases our feelings of security, our power as a creator and it opens the doors to abundance. One of the keys to manifesting abundance lies in remembering that it comes in many forms, so stay open to it on all levels. These blessings of abundance have an uncanny way of showing up in the areas we need them whether we are currently aware of them or not. When a blessing shows up somewhere unexpected shake hands with it and invite it in. This allows new doors and pathways to open up and effectively turns on the porch light so that new forms of abundance can find you.

Our helpers for today include two Archangels. Raziel helps us to better understand and manifest prosperity and abundance and Gamaliel helps the blessings of abundance to arrive at our door. The Ascended Master Ganesh helps to remove the roadblocks and other obstacles from our path. Ganesh wants to help us succeed with our dreams and goals and his loving energy helps make this happen. Our sacred stones are Dendritic Agate, the stone of plentitude, draws abundance in all forms as does Cinnabar. Hawk’s Eye which is a form of Tiger’s Eye is a good Feng Shui stone. it should be placed in your wealth corner, to attract abundance to your home.

Blessings for a magickal day!


I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts!  at www.catstreasuretrove.weebly.com
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacredSpirals/ 
The Desert Path: The Dusty Ramblings of a Desert Pagan. https://catsister.wordpress.com
Daily readings are written by Cat. Angel graphic is created and (C)LBolotin 2016-17.

It’s a Necessity: Cat’s Angel Number for May 27, 2017

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It’s a Necessity: Cat’s Angel Number for May 27, 2017 

May’s Theme:  Change – Growth – Embrace New Adventures

A faith is a necessity to man. Woe to him who believes in nothing. ~Victor Hugo

527:  We are counting down the final days of May and the angels are reminding us again about the power of faith. Faith is inherent to every religion and spiritual path. The only thing it requires is belief in the power (yours and in Spirit) to make things better. We have been working with change this month and that work is never easy, however it is through change that we continue to grow.  The stronger your faith is in yourself and the divine the more empowered you become.  Remember that by stepping into your role as a co-creator you are better able to embrace the new direction your path is taking!

Since faith requires courage if you find yourself lacking in that area Archangel Michael is your go to angel. He helps us to see the best in ourselves by boosting our feelings of worthiness and self esteem. If increasing your faith is what you need the Ascended Masters Moses, Jesus,  El Morya or the Irish Moon Goddess Aine can help! Our sacred stones include Amethyst, the stone of Archangel Michael and Iron Pyrite which dissolves feeling of inadequacy and helps us to open up our unique abilities and unlocks our full potential.

Blessings for a magickal day!


I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts!  at www.catstreasuretrove.weebly.com
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacredSpirals/ 
Daily readings are written by Cat. Angel graphic is created and (C)LBolotin 2016-17.

Listening to Your Heart: Cat’s Angel Number for May 26, 2017

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Listening to Your Heart: Cat’s Angel Number for May 26, 2017 

May’s Theme:  Change – Growth – Embrace New Adventures

You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. ~ George Michael

526: Let’s start today with a question, “What is your heart’s true desire?” The answer to this question lies within each of us and it is up to us to find the answer. Today, the angels are asking us to look within and be honest with ourselves about what we truly want. Take a little time today for some soul searching and ask yourself:

*What do I REALLY want from (life, myself, others)?

*Am I REALLY happy, or am I just going through the motions?

*What can I DO to change my situation for the better?

It’s important to be honest with ourselves because we too often spend our time and energy living someone else’s desire. Living your heart’s desire does not make you selfish, uncaring or a bad person. It does however create inner peace, confidence and a happier and spiritually healthier YOU!

If you are looking for a more meaningful career or  a clearer idea of your life purpose the Ascended Master Saint Francis can help. The Hindu Universal Mother Devi helps us to find meaning in both life and career. If you feel lost or stuck in your life Archangel Michael can help you to get yourself back on track and move forward on your personal journey. Our sacred stones for today include: Sodalite to enhance self acceptance and to aid in the release of old, outdated mental conditioning. Pietersite (the tempest stone)  removes beliefs and conditioning that have been imposed by others allowing you to access your own inner guidance, and helps walk in our own truth.

Blessings for a magickal day!


I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts!  at www.catstreasuretrove.weebly.com
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacredSpirals/ 
Daily readings are written by Cat. Angel graphic is created and (C)LBolotin 2016-17.

Another Adventure: Cat’s Angel Number for May 25, 2017

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Another Adventure: Cat’s Angel Number for May 25, 2017 

May’s Theme:  Change – Growth – Embrace New Adventures

I think I’m quite ready for another adventure!  ~ Bilbo Baggins

525: Change is part of life and whether we allow it to happen naturally or initiate it ourselves there is always a feeling of uncertainty that accompanies it. One of this month’s themes is “Embrace New Adventures”. By having faith in ourselves and in the divine sources we are able to meet change with some excitement.We all want to be the best that we can be and in order to do that we must be willing to move forward.  Remember, changes are necessary for our overall growth (personal, mental, emotional, spiritual) and without it we are stuck in the same place. Today the angels are reminding us that during periods of change both we and our loved ones are safe and cared for. When we need help and support they are just a thought away. Opening yourself to an adventure creates positive energy that draws good things our way. Welcome them!

Our helpers today include: Archangel Chamuel helps us to see what’s truly important to us, he also helps us to build  strong foundations for our relationship with ourselves and others and smooths the road of our personal  journey. We can also ask Archangel Metatron to help us with motivational issues (like procrastination) so that we can move forward with courage. Sacred stones for today are Red Tiger’s Eye which stimulates our sense of adventure by increasing our motivation, and Smoky Quartz which gently siphons away negative emotions and our fear of failure.

Blessings for a magickal day!


I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts!  at www.catstreasuretrove.weebly.com
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacredSpirals/ 
Daily readings are written by Cat. Angel graphic is created and (C)LBolotin 2016-17.

Steps On the Path: Cat’s Angel Number for May 22, 2017

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Steps On the Path: Cat’s Angel Number for May 22, 2017 

May’s Theme:  Change – Growth – Embrace New Adventures

It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.  ~ Ram Dass

522: Do you remember last week when we talked about how our thoughts create reality? No? That’s okay, it’s been a week and  we’ve all slept since then. 😉 Today we are being asked to watch our thoughts. We do our best to stay positive but sometimes some stray negativity wanders in for a visit. Once again our faith comes into play.The angels are letting us know that negative thoughts and feeling should not be ignored as it’s a normal, natural part of being human. The key to dealing with them lies in acknowledging them, determining the source and finding a positive alternative to help turn it around. There is always at least one good thing in every situation so use that a building block to elevate your thinking to the next level.

Keep working with the angel Gadiel today. Let go of negative thoughts and feelings and ask gadiel to help you find a new direction. Archangel Michael helps to send our fears on their way, he tells us to stay strong because we are worthy of great things. “I am here to protect you and help you to move forward in creating your dreams and goals. Our sacred stone for today is Amethyst. Amethyst works with Michael and aids in protection from negative energy and thoughtforms. It is also powerful cleanser and works on all levels, it promotes mental clarity, intuition, and good decisions.

Blessings for a magickal day!



 I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts!  at www.catstreasuretrove.weebly.com
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacredSpirals/ 

Daily readings are written by Cat. Angel graphic is created and (C)LBolotin 2016-17.

The Key to Everything: Cat’s Angel Number for May 20, 2017

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The Key to Everything: Cat’s Angel Number for May 20, 2017 

May’s Theme:  Change – Growth – Embrace New Adventures

The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it open. ~Arnold H. Glasgow

520: This month is all about instigating change in our lives and we can’t embrace change without faith. When we have faith in ourselves and in the Universe good things happen and generate a positive flow that creates more good things. I guess that you could call these things personal miracles. These miracles come in all shapes and sizes, so don’t overlook the small ones because even they can start the transformation process. The key is to remember that even if you cannot immediately see the results that things are happening behind the scenes. Keep doing your part because the angels and the universe are working to help you.  Be patient and have faith in the knowledge that together you can create new and wonderful things!

Our helpers today are the Ascended Master El Morya who helps us increase our faith and keeps us grounded so that we can embrace both patience and clear decision making. Archangel Sandalphon who makes sure that our prayers get to the angels and masters best suited to help us and Pele who helps us with personal empowerment and the energy to make our goals happen. Today’s sacred stones include Amber, which when used with focused intention can help you attain your goals. Zincite helps us to embrace necessary change as it pushes us forward into manifesting at your full potential and Apophyllite which calms the mind and releases negative thinking that can lead us to lose faith.

Blessings for a magickal day!


 I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts!  at www.catstreasuretrove.weebly.com
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacredSpirals/ 

Daily readings are written by Cat. Angel graphic is created and (C)LBolotin 2016-17.

The Past is a Prism: Cat’s Angel Number for May 19, 2017

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The Past is a Prism: Cat’s Angel Number for May 19, 2017 

May’s Theme:  Change – Growth – Embrace New Adventures

The past is not simply the past, but a prism through which the subject filters his own changing self image.  ~ Doris Kearns Goodwin

519: One of the best things that we can do for ourselves is to embrace a positive self image. We have all heard the phrase “love yourself”, it’s  not only an important part of self care, it also helps to increase our self confidence and feelings of worth. When we love ourselves and like who we are it shows. That’s not to say that there isn’t room for improvement (there’s always room for that) because we really are a work in progress. A positive self image tells the world “I am confident in who I am and I like myself. I am not perfect, however I am trying to be the best person I can be .” Today the angels are saying “Give yourself a BIG hug and embrace the amazing being  you are!”

Our helper’s for today include Archangel Chamuel who helps promote good relationships with other and with ourselves, Ascended Masters Kuan Yin who helps us with all forms of self care, love and kindness for others and ourselves, Maitreya (Laughing Buddha) who brings laughter and joy into our lives, it is through these things that we find ourselves centered in the moment, enjoy the process of inner and outer growth.

Our sacred stones for today are Sodalite and Rose Quartz. Sodalite is a stone for the mind. It encourages clear thinking and calms the mind. It helps us to be objective and helps us to release old mental conditioning and outdated thought patterns as it boosts self esteem. Rose Quartz is the essential self love and care stone. It works with the heart chakra to gently wash away negative feeling that we harbor against ourselves and lifts the emotions to promote joy and peace.

Blessings for a magickal day!


 I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:
Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts!  at www.catstreasuretrove.weebly.com
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacredSpirals/
Daily readings are written by Cat. Angel graphic is created and (C)LBolotin 2016-17.

The Winds of Grace: Cat’s Angel Number for May 18, 2017

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The Winds of Grace: Cat’s Angel Number for May 18, 2017 

May’s Theme:  Change – Growth – Embrace New Adventures

The winds of grace are always blowing; all we need to do is raise our sails. ~ Anonymous

518: This month we have been busy making changes and cultivating new growth and yesterday the angels let us know that the work is beginning to pay off. Part of our success lies in our ability to receive. Some people overextend the giving process but have trouble with receiving the blessings, assistance and abundance when it come around. Giving and receiving needs to balanced and sometimes you just need to tell yourself that it’s okay to receive. Allow yourself to gracefully  receive the good things that come your way. You are an amazing creator and you are worthy of all the blessing of the Universe. Remember,  abundance comes in many forms so make sure that you don’t limit yourself to just one form. Accept them all and the doors open to new  things and experiences.

Today’s helpers are: The angel Barakiel who helps us to open our hearts to receive with grace. Buddha assists us in finding balance between giving and receiving. Dana helps us to feel the abundance around us and shows us that we are worthy to receive it. Ganesh removes all obstacles from our path including the ones that create for ourselves and Archangel Raziel who helps us manifest the things we need to create a better life.

Our sacred stones for today include Sunstone to encourage the flow of abundance, Zincite not only helps us to manifest, it also reenergizes our energy when it becomes depleted by giving away too much of ourselves to others. If you are taking too much from others Topaz helps promote generosity and supports our manifestation process.

Blessings for a magickal day!


 I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts!  at www.catstreasuretrove.weebly.com
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacredSpirals/
Daily readings are written by Cat. Angel graphic is created and (C)LBolotin 2016-17.