Life Give Back In Kind: Cat’s Angel Message for August 1, 2019

daily Angel Message sms

Life Give Back In Kind: Cat’s Angel Message for August 1, 2019

August Theme: Positive focus and creative solutions help to draw both prosperity and abundance this month.  You are a powerful creator and all that you need is within your grasp!

If you have zest and enthusiasm you attract zest and enthusiasm. Life does give back in kind. – Norman Vincent Peale

81: Welcome to August! This new cycle begins with a reminder from the Universe. “The power to manifest everything you need lies within you.” The steps to creating prosperity and abundance include:

  • Clearing the way for new blessings. If it is holding you back or no longer works for you let it go.
  • Embrace the changes that bring new blessings and opportunities. Even small things can have a big impact, so use the stepping stones that the Universe provides.
  • Don’t be afraid to explore new paths or blaze new trails. Prosperity and abundance can come from anywhere so keep your eyes open!
  • Don’t focus or obsess about what you perceive as “lack”. Expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life helps bring new things to your door.

These steps combined with the work that we have done recently will help us out. Remember to stay focused on positive outcomes and surround yourself with confidence knowing that you are in the right place at the right time to grab the opportunities that are headed your way!

    • Archangel Uriel can help us to overcome obstacles by showing us where the solutions are that will lead to our success. He provides us with the additional information that we need to make the most informed decisions we can. No problem is too great or too small for him to assist with. Uriel also helps us to gain spiritual understanding and creative insight. Today is a good day to simply touch base with him, ask for help if needed or simply express gratitude for the blessing in your life.


  • The Ascended Master Maitreya (Laughing Buddha)  helps us to find peace and harmony through laughter, this gives us a clear perspective and keeps our energy flowing.  He tells us that laughter is sacred and when the heart is alive with joy we are connected to the Infinite and filled with Nirvana-essence. Center your mind with the intent of enjoying yourself and you will find yourself centered in the moment. Enjoy what life has to offer and enjoy the process!



  • The Roman goddess Abundantia teaches us to appreciate abundance in it’s many forms as well as attract them. She tells us, ” Your faith in the bounty of the universe serves you well. Cast aside your worry and embrace the richness of your life because you have so much to grateful for.”



Our Sacred Stones for today include:

  • Carnelian is used for motivation and increased creativity. It teaches us to trust in ourselves and helps us find creative solutions to current issues  as it boosts self esteem and invites us to embrace our personal power while promoting positive life choices which enhance our ability to draw new forms of prosperity and abundance.
  • Galena helps us to stay grounded and centered. It helps to open the mind as it dissolves self-limiting thoughts from our past that can get in our way during the manifestation process.
  • Jade provides aid in problem solving and shows us the path to reaching our goals and actualizing our dreams. It also promotes emotional balance and self confidence as it gently dissipates negativity and brings peace on all levels. Jade which attracts both prosperity and good luck. It soothes the mind and escorts negative thoughts to the door. Jade helps us to understand that you are spiritual being on the very human journey we call life. it stimulates knowledge and ideas.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

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