Faith and Trust: Cat’s Angel Message for June 13. 2023

Faith and Trust: Cat’s Angel Message for June 13. 2023

June’s Theme: Learning to create and maintain balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


Make friends with patience and pay attention to the smallest details. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Faith and Trust

613: Yesterday we talked about how things fall into place with Divine Timing, Remember to be patient, and stay focused. Today the Universe has asked the Ascended Masters to step in and offer us a little extra assistance. They remind us to release any worries or concerns that we have in regard to the future, our dreams, or our goals. By letting these things be for now and simply asking for divine help it frees our energy so that we can focus on things we can work with and have control over. The key is “Don’t force, Don’t struggle.” Today’s number also corresponds to the Sacred Feminine and our own intuition. Calling her forward today will help us to gain valuable insights that will serve us later in the week. Remember to have faith and trust in yourself. You know what you need to do, so follow your inner guidance system and take the steps that will help you find the patience you need while keeping your forward momentum.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Ariel ( the lion) teaches us that by embracing our divine spark we can open the doors to creating the life we want. Be bold like the lion and use your strength and focus to find a forward path. Archangel Ariel also works with the earth and environment (nature angels and sprite too) she can help those unfamiliar with the Sacred Feminine work connect with her.

The Ascended Master Mother Mary provides us with all forms of healing. She surrounds us with her gentle energy and helps to fill our hearts with love as she imparts feelings of peace and safety as she gently heals the dark, hidden places within while showing us the path that leads to compassion and forgiveness which are essential to healing ourselves and helping others.She helps to fill our hearts with peace and love and helps everyone regardless of path or religion.

The Egyptian Goddess Nuit (Nut) represents the sky and the cosmos. She is a mother goddess, a life giver. She teaches us the importance of nurturing those in our care with patience and love. As a cosmic goddess she reminds us of our divine place in the Universe and while we may feel small and insignificant the truth is far different. She says ” Rejoice in your own power. It is love and patience that allow you to shape the world and make you a creator in your own right. You do not need to have born a child to be a mother this essence live within all. Embrace it and send it to those around you.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Amazonite. This stone is sometimes called the stone of hope. It helps us to speak our truth with confidence and instills us with hope itself. It calms and soothes frayed nerves during times of stress and helps us to feel and embrace universal love. It works with both heart and throat chakras.

Azurite increases our ability to receive spiritual guidance and helps us to see through illusions so that we can see our path clearly. It helps to develop our intuitive skills as it expands the mind to promote clear thinking, understanding and new perspectives.

Cavansite. This stone helps to guide us through major life changes as well as helping us learn from past experiences so that we don’t make the same mistakes/choices again. It also helps us to retain information that applies to spiritual growth. Cavansite helps to promote new ideas and can be used in conjunction with the Third Eye or brow chakra.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

It’s All About Timing: Cat’s Angel Message for June 12. 2023

It’s All About Timing: Cat’s Angel Message for June 12. 2023

June’s Theme: Learning to create and maintain balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


Our personal evolution is a work in progress with no set time limit. It is a work at your own pace endeavor. ~Cat


Today’s Message: It’s All About Timing

612: Prayers and requests often resemble a puzzle which can’t be completed until all the pieces are in place. This is called Divine timing. Human beings are an impatient bunch and have been conditioned to expect everything to happen immediately. However, forcing something to happen too quickly usually means that we are gifted a few bites and miss out on enjoying the “whole enchilada” due to our own impatience. Today we are being reminded that our dreams do not truly manifest until the Universe knows that we are ready to handle them. We can help divine timing by staying focused on our goals, having faith in the Universe and ourselves, and by grabbing the opportunities that do present themselves to build a firm foundation to support our dreams. By building a strong foundation we ensure our success. Remember that patience is the key to all manifestation and a positive attitude helps to open the doors and pathways you need to move forward!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Sandalphon hears all requests and makes sure that they get to the Angel or Ascended Master who is best able to handle them. Ask him to help you clearly understand the information that you receive (his favorite mode of communication is music!). Sandalphon also provides us with an emotional boost of courage. This is important as it helps us to make bold decisions that will help us on our path.

The Ascended Master El Morya can help if you have trouble staying present and focused in the now. He teaches us the importance of putting aside what we cannot control  so that we are free to think about other things. He reminds us that it is our faith that  keeps us grounded so that we can embrace both the patience and the clear decision making needed to make things happen.

The Egyptian goddess Hathor helps us to find the answer to the question “How shall I live my life?” She tells us that every moment gives us opportunities for growth. ” When you are filled with indecision you move away from yourself and your power as a creator. Indecision silences you ability to hear your own inner wisdom. If you need my help just ask and I will shower you with energy that will tip the scales in the direction of what you desire.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Larimar helps to remove self-imposed barriers that may be keeping us from accepting our personal power and stops self-sabotaging behavior by bringing out the best in us. It helps us to see the things that we have to be grateful for and the tiny miracles that we take for granted. This sky blue stone also helps to ease our obsession for material things and shows us how to put things into perspective so that you manifest what you really need. It shows us how to go with the flow.

Tangerine Quartz which helps to increase our receptivity to Divine inspiration while it stimulates the mind and enhances overall creativity. It fills us with hope and joy as it restores our feelings of self worth

 Tiger’s Eye (Gold) helps build a bridge between you and your power. It shows us the correct way to use our power and invites our integrity forward. It is also a stone of abundance and draws good things to us while helping us see the blessings we have. Tiger’s Eye helps us to accomplish our goals by showing us how to recognize and access our inner resources and the promotion of clear intentions.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Surrounded With Gratitude: Cat’s Angel Message for June 11. 2023

Surrounded With Gratitude: Cat’s Angel Message for June 11. 2023

June’s Theme: Learning to create and maintain balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


The doors to gratitude opens in both directions. One allows us to see the good things we have and the other allows new blessings to reach us. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Surrounded With Gratitude

611: Today the Universe is reminding us to acknowledge and embrace the positive things going on in our lives. Your thoughts help to create your reality so take the necessary steps to make that reality something amazing. Look to your creative side for a change of perspective and make some upgrades to your surroundings. Declutter, paint the kitchen, or maybe revamp your personal space. Whatever you choose to do make sure that it’s a reflection of your inner sparkle and light. Allow your creative side to partner with your intuition. If your intuition leads you out of your comfort zone go with the flow and take that step towards expression and empowerment. Surround your workings today with gratitude and appreciation and extend them to those you love as it creates more love to keep the energy flowing!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Uriel can help us to overcome obstacles by showing us where the solutions are that will lead to our success. He provides us with the additional information that we need to make the most informed decisions we can. No problem is too great or too small for him to assist with. Uriel also helps us to gain spiritual understanding and creative insight. Today is a good day to simply touch base with him, ask for help if needed or simply express gratitude for the blessings taking place in your life.

The Ascended Master Maitreya teaches us that laughter and joy are an essential part of self care and creates the positive energy we need to propel us forward. It helps us to let go stress and worry, which allows the light of faith and hope to shine through. The power of laughter clears and resets or energy field by releasing tension and emotions that have been held in check. This is an important lesson on our path, if it makes your heart sing then it’s the right direction.

  The Greek Goddess Iris teaches us that miracles of beauty can happen in an instant. She says “Open your eyes, both physical and spiritual, then open your heart and allow the divine light to fill you. This will help you see the blessings and the beauty that is right before your eyes. Take nothing for granted.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

 Black Banded Agate which helps us start new things, embrace new beginnings and projects. It promotes the creativity needed to make things happen. The patterns in this stone invite inspiration and creative flow!

 Rose Quartz brings us inner peace and harmony which is essential to increasing our faith and promoting self-love which is key to positive self-expression and empowerment.  It helps to promote the softer, more loving view that we need to embrace gratitude.

Green Tourmaline. This stone (aka Verdelite) promotes joy of life, creativity, prosperity and abundance. it is also a healing stone that transforms negative energy into positive.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Good Things and Blessings: Cat’s Angel Message for June 10. 2023

Good Things and Blessings: Cat’s Angel Message for June 10. 2023

June’s Theme: Learning to create and maintain balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


Surround yourself with an aura of gratitude. Let it fill your being and allow yourself to shine! ~Cat


Today’s Message: Good Things and Blessings

610: Starting today and carrying over into tomorrow we move into the realms of good vibes and positive expectations. This includes affirmations, gratitude and focusing on the blessings in your life. Today is a reminder that we are all wealthy in many ways and on many levels. By acknowledging our blessings and embracing grace and gratitude we are opening the doors to creating our own infinite supply. The key is to focus on what you HAVE and not on what you DON’T. Remember that true wealth is not about how many “cool new things” you have, I know people with this mentality and they are some of the most miserable people ever. Make a list today of all the good things and blessings in your life and you will see that you really are wealthier than you realized!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Jophiel the angel of Illumination and wisdom, fills us with beautiful, loving thoughts and uplifting energy which helps us to create a fresh approach to life. Jophiel tells us that goodness and beauty surround us all the time. By keeping ourselves open to receiving these blessings it draws the things we need directly to us. This is a reminder that slowing down activates our creative mind and makes these things easier to visualize and grasp and by taking the time to “smell the roses” the attitude of gratitude flows more easily.

The Himalayan Ascended Master Babaji helps us to achieve the personal and spiritual growth necessary for the letting go process. He assists us in detaching ourselves from both material things and things that no longer serve us. He teaches us that letting go is a form of simplifying your life. It frees your energy so that you can work on what’s important so that new blessings can be received.

The Roman Goddess Abundantia teaches us to appreciate abundance and wealth in it’s many forms as well as how to attract them. She tells us, ” Your faith in the bounty of the universe serves you well. Cast aside your worry and embrace the richness of your life because you have so much to grateful for.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

 Aventurine teaches us how to give and receive gracefully. Both are necessary for healthy relationships with self and others and it allows the Universe to care for you. Aventurine also helps to dispel the anger and irritation that sometimes arise when we are stuck in the “what I lack” mind loop.

Eulite (Hypersthene) which helps us to find solutions to problems (large and small) that get in our way and can hold us back. It will also make seeing the answers and solutions easier by stopping the need to overthink or overly critical thinking. Eulite is also useful for building solid relationships which are necessary for the manifestation process and our personal evolution.

 Nebula Stone. This energetically unique stone resembles the night sky. It allows you to see the value of the things around you and helps you to appreciate what you have while promoting gratitude toward yourself and others.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Make The Adjustments: Cat’s Angel Message for June 9. 2023

Make The Adjustments: Cat’s Angel Message for June 9. 2023

June’s Theme: Learning to create and maintain balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


Breathe. Clear your mind. Let the divine wisdom fill your heart. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Make The Adjustments

69: Our message for today is a reflection of this month’s theme and balance is our key focus. It’s time to test your skills where the goal is to create a balance between material and spiritual. While it’s important to spend time and energy in both areas, do your best to keep from going overboard or you’ll tip the scales. Maintaining balance is essential to our overall well being. When we are out of balance life can be an uphill struggle so pay attention and make adjustments as needed. The angels are also reminding us that our needs are being met and maintaining balance makes this job easier for them. Release your worries and direct your focus where it needs to be today.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Zadkiel helps to heal our hearts and minds so that accepting support in all forms is easier. He also promotes compassion for ourselves and others while helping us to find things that we have lost, forgotten about or set aside. Ego is not a friend of truth as it forcibly tells us that we don’t need help and can do everything by ourselves.  He boosts our faith and fills our hearts with peace and calm. He also helps us to remember information that will help us on this grand adventure.

 The Ascended Master Serapis Bey helps us to release our troubles and offers clear guidance and motivation regarding our own self improvement. He also helps us gain spiritual insight and teaches us that loving care is essential to navigating change.

The Irish Goddess Dana helps us to generate abundance through gratitude. She says,  “While you wait for these blessings to arrive fill your heart with feelings of abundance. Engage yourself in things that make you feel abundant!” ….. ” Your energy is linked to the energy of the Divine. Acknowledge and strengthen this connection as it allows you to handcraft your dreams.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

The gentle energy of Blue Lace Agate helps our overall communication skills by teaching us to freely express thoughts and feelings in a peaceful manner. it also allows us to find balance and emotional calm during times of stress. This stone is associated with the Archangel Zadkiel.

Sunny golden Citrine helps increase our self esteem and is a powerful healer of old outdated patterns, which allows us to manifest new things. This stone also attracts abundance, but keep in mind that abundance comes in many forms not just financial, so stay open to them all.

Rhodonite. This gentle stone helps to balance both mental and physical energy. It shows us all sides to any given situation and  clears away confusion and helps to promote confidence. It’s calming influence helps us to ground and balance even during chaotic or upsetting situations. It also helps to promote the feeling of brotherhood. It also helps to clear and activate the heart chakra which is essential to embracing gratitude while promoting a loving and balanced approach to life and encourages a positive attitude and creativity.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Cycles of Growth: Cat’s Angel Message for June 8. 2023

Cycles of Growth: Cat’s Angel Message for June 8. 2023

June’s Theme: Learning to create and maintain balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


Clarity can be found in the ever changing cycles of life. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Cycles of Growth

68: Generating a positive flow of abundance is relatively simple once we have a basic understanding of how it works. To create and keep this flow moving it’s important to balance our giving and receiving activities. We must first give of ourselves through time, money, energy, love, etc. By sending good things out it helps to create new opportunities and experiences as it circles back to us. In order to receive these blessings, we must allow ourselves to receive them. Too often people reject or fight this process. Grateful and gracious receiving is an important part of the flow circle and is only achieved by balancing giving and receiving. Today we are being asked to open our heart and spirit and allow ourselves to receive. Remember, what we send out comes back and will provide positive energy that will grow with each cycle.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Desert Rose (Selenite). These beautiful stone “flowers” help to increase our understanding of our own personal value in the universal plan. It dissolves outdated self-imposed programming and helps us to replace it with new ideas and self perspective.

 Jasper (Yellow) helps to provide clarity on both mental and emotional levels. It starts us off in a positive direction while helping us to find realistic and workable solutions that help us to attain our goals

Larimar helps to remove self-imposed barriers that may be keeping us from accepting our personal power and stops self-sabotaging behavior by bringing out the best in us. It helps us to see the things that we have to be grateful for and the tiny miracles that we take for granted. This sky blue stone also helps to ease our obsession for material things and shows us how to put things into perspective so that you manifest what you really need. It shows us how to go with the flow.

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Ground and Center: Cat’s Angel Message for June 7. 2023

Ground and Center: Cat’s Angel Message for June 7. 2023

June’s Theme: Learning to create and maintain balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


Step back from the whirlwind of life. Take a breath and find your center. Inner peace comes from knowing what to set aside and when to ask for help. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Ground and Center

67: Our message today indicates the positive progress that we have made in the areas of personal growth and change. We have reached a balance checkpoint today and the angels are asking us to make time for an internal review. Take a look and see how well balanced you are on your path and how this relates to material issues. If things are balanced out….. HIGH FIVE! However, if you are tipping the scales then it’s time to ground and center and make the adjustments needed to even things out. Actually, grounding and centering is a good plan either way. It clears the mind, promotes peace, and sharpens your overall vision. Use meditation, walk barefoot in the grass, or just sit and breathe. Remember that whatever works for you is the right way.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Michael helps to calm our fears as he guides us through issues of self doubt by clearing our energy field and quieting the internal chatter so that we can access the guidance being sent to us. He helps us to find our courage and our direction while giving us the strength that we need to choose wisely and make decisions on our own. Michael’s energy is easily felt particularly during times of stress and confusion and helps us when we feel lost or overwhelmed. He sets us on the path of commitment to our purpose by showing us how to work through obstacles that pop up as he teaches us that we have what it takes to create new things for ourselves as he helps us reach new levels of self confidence.

  The Ascended Master Solomon helps us to take what we are given and make the most of it. He  teaches us how to do things more efficiently as he guides us through difficult situations. Focus and efficiency help us in our quest for personal evolution and help create the necessary stepping stones we need to move ahead.

 The Egyptian Goddess Maat teaches us that the point of balance is thin and feather-light. It is achieved through truth and self-honesty. She tells us ” Honor yourself by being truthful. It is the truth that creates order out of difficult or confusing situations. It is also the truth that keeps your inner scales balanced, your energy free, and your heart feather-light.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Agate. This humble stone is the perfect one for grounding and balancing our energies. It also helps by raising our consciousness to access our higher self and promoting the awareness and acceptance of who we are and where we want to go in life. It nurtures our spiritual growth and inner strength by helping us to make the most of our life experiences.

Cavansite. This stone helps to guide us through major life changes as well as helping us learn from past experiences so that we don’t make the same mistakes/choices again. It also helps us to retain information that applies to spiritual growth. Cavansite helps to promote new ideas and can be used in conjunction with the Third Eye or brow chakra.

Okenite helps clear away obstacles and teaches us the important lesson that the universe is filled with unlimited possibilities when we allow ourselves to face and adapt to change. It helps us to find our inner strength so that we can finish what we start

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Setting Things In Motion: Cat’s Angel Message for June 6. 2023

Setting Things In Motion: Cat’s Angel Message for June 6. 2023

June’s Theme: Learning to create and maintain balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


Opportunities to take action happen frequently but it is up to us to to initiate the first step. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Setting Things In Motion

66:  Change requires both action and patience. See yourself as a seed on this journey. You must go through all the steps before you can bloom. If you started the process last month of initiating change in your life then the Universe has the following message for you. ” Your prayers have been heard and your efforts have been noticed. We are here to help you with this important personal creation process. Trust in yourself and have faith in the unseen. Together we can make miracles happen!”

The key is to avoid critical overthinking and avoid getting stuck in the “whirlpool” of worry. ground and center and find the spark where you faith dwells and allow the optimistic energy to fill your being.  The wheels of change are moving so  just breathe and allow things to unfold naturally. If an opportunity arises that will help you…..grab it and help set things in motion!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Jeremiel helps us to make positive life choices. He understands that it’s hard for us to let go of people and situations even though they are holding us back or causing us unintended stress, drama or harm. Jeremiel can help ease these transitions and reminds us that concern about change is normal. Ask him to help you see your path clearly and to assist you in taking the necessary steps to embrace your future.

The Ascended Master El Morya can help if you have trouble staying present and focused in the now. He teaches us the importance of putting aside what we cannot control  so that we are free to think about other things. He reminds us that it is our faith that  keeps us grounded so that we can embrace both the patience and the clear decision making needed to make things happen.

The Greek Goddess Athena embodies change and transformation through experience and learning. She  tells us ” You are a warrior in your own right. Every day you must consciously choose the battles that you will fight so make the wisest choices you can, each choice will help lead you to discover new pieces to the puzzle and assist in your victory.

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

 Iolite, also known as “Poor Man’s Amethyst” it is a stone of vision that assists our intuition and aids us in setting things in motion by staying true to yourself and your path while freeing you from the expectations of others. It helps us to live in the moment making it easier to snag the blessings given to us. It is also a soothing stone that calms the emotions during times of change.

Lepidolite helps us to focus on the important things. It filters out distractions and obsessive thinking as it soothes and heals stress, reminding us to just breathe.

The gentle energy of Seraphinite clears the heart chakra and helps to open us to love on all levels. It is also used to review the progress that you have made in life and shows the changes that we need to make to best helps us on our path.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Seeds of Change: Cat’s Angel Message for June 5. 2023

Seeds of Change: Cat’s Angel Message for June 5. 2023

June’s Theme: Learning to create and maintain balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


Continue to nurture the seeds in your care. Tend them well and you will harvest great things. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Seeds of Change

65: Remember the changes that we worked on last month? Well, the Angels are reminding us to give those “seeds of change” a little love and nourishment today. These seeds are very much like the physical seeds you plant in your outdoor garden. You must care for them if they are to grow and produce results. Start looking for the signs that your “seeds have taken root” as you may start seeing good things beginning to take effect, many of these “sprouts” will relate to material issues. Maybe a new job, a move or an opportunity that you won’t want to pass up. Don’t forget to give some attention to the seeds that are already producing and make sure they aren’t withering from neglect. Changes can be a little scary at first. However, if we view them as an adventure we will find new growth popping up all over!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

 Archangel Jeremiel is in charge of life reviews and changes. He can help you see everything that you have accomplished recently as well as the areas that need attention and helps us to let go of what we no longer need. He teaches us that by taking inventory of our lives we gain clear perspective of where we are on our path, which in turn helps us to make positive life changes. He removes our fear of change and what the future holds and replaces them with a sense of expectant excitement.

The Ascended Master Vywamus helps all Lightworkers. He teaches us that change can be an opportunity to heal. He encourages us to continuously and consciously seek inspiration through the discovery and rediscovery of our own natural abilities and talents. If something is holding you back let it go and continue forward.  

The Celtic goddess Brigid helps all who call to her by providing the direction and courage needed to prosper and grow. She says: “Gather the seeds that you have collected and choose the ones that best represent your path. Tell me of your dreams and desires as you plant your seeds within your heart and mind and allow fire and light to fill you. Hope and optimism shine like the sun and like the sun they hold powerful energy. This energy will help you find your way as you nurture the seeds in your care”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Moss Agate. This gentle stone promotes new beginnings and can help release the blocks that are keeping us from moving forward. It attracts new forms of abundance and teaches us how to channel our energy in new, creative ways. Often referred to as the gardener’s stone Moss Agate helps us connect to nature, the earth, and our own inner garden as well. Carry it with you or wear it during times of new growth.

Larimar helps to remove self-imposed barriers that may be keeping us from accepting our personal power and stops self-sabotaging behavior by bringing out the best in us. It helps us to see the things that we have to be grateful for and the tiny miracles that we take for granted. This sky blue stone also helps to ease our obsession for material things and shows us how to put things into perspective so that you manifest what you really need. It shows us how to go with the flow.

Mookite, a form of Jasper that comes in many creamy color combinations, promotes decision making and versatility. These things are important when we are faced with new experiences and find ourselves faced with the need to take action. It encourages us to be flexible during times of change and helps us to embrace new experiences with an open sense of adventure.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Balance Check: Cat’s Angel Message for June 4. 2023

Balance Check: Cat’s Angel Message for June 4. 2023

June’s Theme: Learning to create and maintain balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


Embrace what brings you inner peace. They are found in the tiny miracles that make up our lives. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Balance Check

64: This month as we turn our focus to creating and maintaining our balance the universe is asking us to check our stance in the material realm. There are certain material items that we need to live, food, clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities. Today we are being reassured us that all of our needs are being met and will continue to be met in the future. However, the angels cannot do it all for us so we must do our part by adding our own energy and focus. This will help to open new doors that will increase our flow of abundance. Express your gratitude to the Angels, the Divine, and the Universe and welcome the blessings that are waiting for you!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Raziel gently guides us through the manifestation process so that we are more adept at creating what we need and what we want. Remember that NEED and WANT are two separate things and by concentrating on need first all else will fall into place.

 The Ascended Master Buddha is our go-to guy when we feel “wobbly’. He teaches us that the key to happy living requires moderation and balance in all things. This includes the important balance between giving and receiving. When we are balanced we find that inner peace is ours!

The Hindu Goddess Lakshmi teaches us that good things happen when we embrace the world with a grateful and appreciative heart. She tells us ” You are worthy of so many wonderful things but first you must get out of your own way! Let me help you to clear the way so that these gifts can be given to you. Make room and feel the lightness it creates within your spirit.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Aventurine teaches us how to give and receive gracefully. Both are necessary for healthy relationships with self and others and it allows the Universe to care for you. Aventurine also helps to dispel the anger and irritation that sometimes arise when we are stuck in the “what I lack” mind loop.

Celestite which promotes spiritual development and teaches us to reach for personal enlightenment and helps us to find peace within. It also helps us to embrace new experiences while blending instinct and intellect to create balance and harmony while providing strength and calm.

 Howlite helps us to formulate our plans to and achieve our ambitions and goals. It helps us to communicate these things in a calm and reasonable manner and tempers this with patience. Howlite also creates a link to the universal realms and prepares the mind to receive guidance

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)