Cat’s Morning Bits for September 27, 2019

CMB Fall

Cat’s Morning Bits for September 27, 2019

Good Morning Beautiful Souls, grab a cup of your favorite morning brew and start things off with “Today’s Inspirations”. I hope you find something here that will make you feel good or help you on your path today.

Blessings, Cat


If the oak bear much mast [acorns],
it foreshadows a long and hard winter.
-John Worledge (ca. 1669)


Spiritual Unite: How To Use Balancers For Feet Chakra

Amongst the healing tools, we should keep in our spiritual toolbox, having a foot chakra balancer is one of the most useful.
If you are having trouble related to your feet chakras, then these powerful stones might just be for you.


ThoughtCo: Mushroom Magic and Folklore

Go for a walk in the woods on any given summer day, and you’ll see fungi galore popping up, nestled in amongst the ferns and trees. After a rainstorm, peek out in your backyard and you may see tiny spores beginning to sprout in the grass, forming what’s known as a fairy ring.


Pioneer Thinking: Essential Oils for Hair Breakage

Here is a list of essential oils for hair breakage, which when applied regularly brings about a noticeable change in the texture and volume of your hair.


Daily Good: My Summer of the Catbird

Nature has a language that we have forgotten but carry in our unconscious minds. Beyond our even knowing, we are called along with the birds to listen to our inner seasons and longings. As author David G. Haskell has said, “In the voices of birds, we hear augury, portent, prophesy. We are drawn across boundaries into other places, other times.” In this beautiful story about a Gray Catbird, we find how one person, emerging from a period of deep grieving allowed herself to listen to the language of birds and to be drawn into a deep relationship that led to an inner transformation. { read more }

Be The Change

We are each invited every day to participate in a friendship with Earth and her rhythms beyond the limits of our walls and minds. Listen for that invitation today.


Elephant Journal: 5 Truths of a Pissed-Off Empath.

Awakenings are hard, awful even.
I wish I was one of those people who’d had an amazing experience, who wanted to tell everyone about their “come to Jesus” moment and how amazing it was.
Mine was not…and apparently, I’m still not there yet.


MNN: How to share Earth with other animals
A renowned biologist wants us to set aside half the planet for wildlife, part of a growing effort to avert the first man-made mass extinction.

Earth is a big place, but size isn’t everything. The planet’s richest ecosystems are in rapid decline, forcing us to acknowledge the elephant in the room: Elephants, along with countless other creatures worldwide, are running out of room


EarthSky News: Old moon, Regulus, rising times and more

These upcoming mornings – September 26 and 27, 2019 – the waning crescent moon and the star Regulus adorn the eastern sky before sunrise. Astronomers will call the waning crescent, visible at dawn, an old moon. Regulus is a bright star and the brightest light in the constellation Leo the Lion.

Patheos-Pagan: Magical Herbs, Plants and Foods for Protection

I was recently asked about the best herbs to use for protection. My answer to any question along the lines of ‘what herbs are best to use’ is to go with your intuition. Trust it. What works for some might not work so well for others.


Inner Journey:


“More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones.”
— Mother Teresa

If we are prompted to ask for spiritual blessings for ourselves or others, how do we best do this?

Speaker Kimberly Herkert offers that it is best to simply ask the divine for health and help. As human beings, we are not capable of seeing the big picture for anyone’s situation. As a result, we are not able to judge what is best for anyone, including ourselves.

The Higher Power always knows best, and the general prayer for ‘health and help’ acknowledges the wisdom that exists there and our faith in divine will.

“God answers prayer in His own way, not ours.”
— Mohandas Gandhi

A Note from the Universe

Fear like joy, usually means that you’re exactly where you should be, learning what you’re ready to learn, about to become more than who you were.


The Universe

Today’s Recipe: Cheese Souffle Omelette

Here’s a way to make an impressive cheese souffle omelette without the use of an oven, using only a couple ingredients. It’s a light and delicious way to start your day!

Magical Correspondences for Friday

Intentions: Love, Pleasure, Affairs of the Heart, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Peace, Healing, Beauty, gentleness and Women’s Issues.

Incense: Strawberry, Sandalwood, Rose, Saffron, Verbena and Vanilla
Planet: Venus
Sign: Libra and Taurus
Angel: Ariel
Colors: Green, Pink, Aqua
Herbs/Plants: Pink Rose, Ivy, Birch, Heather, Clematis, Sage, Violet and Water Lilly

Stones: Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Pink Tourmaline, Peridot, Emerald and Jade
Oil: (Venus) Cardamom, Palmarosa, Rose, Yarrow, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris

Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

Daily Wisdom
September 27, 2019


“The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.”

-Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, 1960

A conscience is a very individual thing. We can’t peak inside someone else’s mind to find out just how they arrive at decisions. But we can look at our own thought process. “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a book that really explores the whole concept of conscience. I’m glad that my son will be reading it in school this year, we will have some great conversations about it. I can’t help but picture Gregory Peck as Atticus. I love the way he portrayed this man who was so compelled to follow his conscience. I love the example that this character set for his children.

-Lissa Coffey


Daily Tarot: Wheel of Fortune

It could be hard to sit still today and every little distraction may look more like an invitation to take a break or start the next thing. Get a lot done anyway by concentrating on short tasks and short conversations. A checklist helps keep things smooth and organized. Afterward, maybe take a nice long walk, stretch those legs, and shake the day’s dust off your shoulders

About Cat’s Morning Bits: These daily post are reblogged from various email newsletters that I receive each day.

I invite you to check out my websites!

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!
Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Cat’s Morning Bits for September 25, 2019

CMB Fall

Cat’s Morning Bits for September 25, 2019

Good Morning Beautiful Souls, grab a cup of your favorite morning brew and start things off with “Today’s Inspirations”. I hope you find something here that will make you feel good or help you on your path today.

Blessings, Cat


Our seasons have no fixed returns,
Without our will they come and go;
At noon our sudden summer burns,
Ere sunset all is snow.
–James Russell Lowell (1819–91)


Individuologist: The Dharma Method

We have to deal with many negative feelings, isn’t it? Furthermore, Buddhist instructors clarify that the remedy for our negative emotions is the use of the Dharma. Distinguishing what we mean by Dharma in this manner turns up crucial. Executing, or putting into training, Dharma is the thing that Buddha did.


ThoughtCo: Chrysanthemum Folklore & Magic 

When autumn rolls in, most of the flowers in our gardens are dying off, but the chrysanthemum is just beginning to bloom. Found in an array of colors from whites and purples to bright yellows and reds to rustic oranges and browns, the chrysanthemum is a popular fall flower, and has a rich history of folklore and myth behind it. Although they’re primarily ornamental – and don’t have much a very flowery smell at all – they’ve been used in medicine and magic for a long time.


MNN: Don’t feel weird about saying ‘Hi’ to strangers

My son teases me when we walk in the park. When we see people walking their dogs, I always say “Hello” … to the dogs.

“Hi, buddy!” I say in a singsong voice, directing my attention to all the four-legged strangers we meet. Occasionally I’ll also look up and smile at their human companions, but I’m mostly focused on greeting their pups.


Witch of the Wood: Elderberry Magick… Her Medicinal and Dark side

The Elderberry…….or Sambuka Nigeria is a truly enchanting tree; a tree as old as time, steeped in magickal lore and mysteries. So with the dark season now upon us there’s no better time to bring this beautifully dark tree to light


Daily Good: Voice for the Planet

From disappearing species to plastic pollution and our disastrously weak attempts to recycle it, here’s what the top voices on climate change – from Sir David Attenborough to Jane Goodall to Greta Thunberg – have to say about the planet’s escalating biodiversity crisis. { read more }

Be The Change

Raise your #VoiceForThePlanet and join the call for urgent action.


Elephant Journal: 50 Ways to Connect to Nature—no matter Where you Live

I’ve found (and science has proven!) that interacting with the natural world is essential to my health.
The moment I feel stress, anxiety, nausea, or a headache, I go outside with my dog.


EarthSky News: Old moon and Regulus before sunrise

These upcoming mornings – September 26 and 27, 2019 – the old waning crescent moon and the star Regulus adorn the eastern sky before sunrise. Because we’re only a few days past the equinox, sunrise happens about six hours before noontime – or about six hours after midnight – everywhere around the world. In this usage, noon means midway between sunrise and sunset, and midnight means midway between sunset and sunrise

Patheos-Pagan: A Gratitude Practice For The Autumn Equinox Season

My move was only a week away and I was still saying goodbyes.
I’d given away lots of pretty things, but there was one piece left: a gauzy dress with a billowy skirt and bedazzled bodice (a very flirty princess gown). I’d enjoyed it. I would miss it.
But I knew someone who would enjoy it even more…

Read More…………………


Inner Journey:


“The greatest evil that can befall man is that he should come to think ill of himself.”
— Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Do you feel worthy of having joy? Do you feel you deserve it?

The first step to activating our inner joy is to eliminate the blocks to it. We can start by truly forgiving ourselves and all others. Forgiveness calls for a shift in our perception. It is easier to forgive ourselves and others when we really understand that each of us has always done the very best we knew to do at that time.

“If we don’t forgive ourselves for our mistakes, and others for the wounds they have inflicted upon us, we end up crippled with guilt. And the soul cannot grow under a blanket of guilt, because guilt is isolating, while growth is a gradual process of reconnection to ourselves, to other people, and to a larger whole.”
— Joan Borysenko

A Note from the Universe 

You can usually know you’re nearing the end of your incarnation cycles,  when you feel you could happily go another 10,000 rounds.

Stranger than fiction,

The Universe

Today’s Recipe: Salted Caramel Nut White Chocolate Popcorn

The closer we get to autumn, the more we will see sales on things like caramel. This is a fun way to spruce up ordinary popcorn by covering it in caramel, nuts, and white chocolate, then sprinkling it with flaked salt. When placed in clear bags and tied in ribbon, they make excellent gifts.

Magical Correspondences for Wednesday

Intentions: Rules healings, the mind, Communication, Divination, Writing, Knowledge, Business Transactions, Debt, Fear, Loss, Travel and Money Matters, Addictions, Young People, Messages, Perception, Self Expression.

Incense: Jasmine, Lavender, Sweet Pea, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil
Planet: Mercury and Chiron (though this is a moon of Pluto)
Sign: Virgo
Angel: Raphael
Colors: Orange, Light Blue, Grey, Yellow and, Opalescent colors and Violet
Herbs/Plants: Fern, Lavender, Hazel, Cherry, Periwinkle
Stones: Aventurine, Bloodstone, Hematite, Moss Agate and Sodalite
Oil: (Mercury) Benzoin, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Lavender

Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Demeter, Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya,
Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, Coatlique, Maman Brigette, Sekhmet, Het Heret

Daily Wisdom
September 25, 2019


“Conscience itself asserts that it is a voice of God.”

-Carl G. Jung (1875-1961)

“Conscience is God’s presence in man.”
-Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)

If conscience is that still small voice inside our heads, where does it come from? Who put it there? Our conscience is strong, and speaks to us loudly enough that we can’t ignore it. It commands us to pay attention

-Lissa Coffey


Daily Tarot: The Tower

Some days something blows up and there’s nothing you can do. It has nothing to do with you, actually; you just happen to be there. While today will probably be uneventful, you may feel emotionally vulnerable and find yourself imaging one worst case scenario after another. Consider these imaginings as drills or dress rehearsals and don’t let any of this unnerve you. You’re fine and will be fine no matter what.

About Cat’s Morning Bits: These daily post are reblogged from various email newsletters that I receive each day.

I invite you to check out my websites!

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!
Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Cat’s Morning Bits for September 24, 2019

CMB Fall

Cat’s Morning Bits for September 24, 2019

Good Morning Beautiful Souls, grab a cup of your favorite morning brew and start things off with “Today’s Inspirations”. I hope you find something here that will make you feel good or help you on your path today.

Blessings, Cat


From dewy lanes at morning
the grapes’ sweet odors rise;
At noon the roads all flutter
With yellow butterflies.
–Helen Maria Hunt Jackson (1830–85)


Spiritual Unite: Itchy Left Foot Meaning – Are You Restless?

If you have an itchy left foot, the meaning of it could be more than just a bit of eczema, at least according to cultural beliefs and superstitions.
Symbolically, the feet have always held much meaning


ThoughtCo: Brighid, the Hearth Goddess of Ireland

In Irish mythological cycles, Brighid (or Brighit), whose name is derived from the Celtic brig or “exalted one”, is the daughter of the Dagda, and therefore one of the Tuatha de Dannan. Her two sisters were also called Brighid, and were associated with healing and crafts. The three Brighids were typically treated as three aspects of a single deity, making her a classic Celtic triple goddess.


Herbal Muse: Get Ready for Cold & Flu Season with Garlic Honey

Cold and flu season can come on rather quickly, affecting significant portions of the community at once. However, this time of year tends to be unfortunately rhythmic and predictable. When one person begins feeling unwell, you know that more cases are likely on the way.


Daily Good: Giving Directions

Like most of us, you’ve probably been asked for directions at least once in your life. While men are notorious for failing to admit when they’re lost and women less so, little research has been done on how directions are imparted and the characterization of the individual giving them. “Giving directions is a form of storytelling,” says Akiko Busch. “When people advise you to take the longest, most complicated route, it is their way of prolonging the pleasure of the journey.” In this Travel and Leisure article, Busch elaborates on how this simple act is often far more intimate than we realize, relying not only on our memory, but on our internal map of the places we hold most dear. { read more }

Be The Change

The next time you ask for directions, pay attention to the route you’re given. What does it tell you about the giver?


Elephant Journal: The Undeniable Significance of Fall.

For most of my life, I have identified as a summer child.
Warm summer days, cloudless and perfect, were what I craved.

Of course, I still appreciate this. There is an air of ease and simple joy that arises during this time. School is out. Plants and animals come out to play. All around, life moves at a sweet, untethered pace like a melting popsicle, which can be either fast or slow, or both.


MNN: This plant may have made Vikings go berserk before battle

More than a thousand years ago, Viking armies knew a thing or two about instilling dread in those who would stand in their way.

Many of their victims lived in monasteries in the British Isles, a favorite source of slaves and plunder for raiding parties.


EarthSky News: Meet Fomalhaut, the loneliest star

Tonight, look for the loneliest star. Which one is that? Many people would say the answer is Fomalhaut, a bright star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus the Southern Fish. Fomalhaut is a bright star – visible from all but far-northern latitudes – located in a region of the sky that contains only very faint stars. So it appears solitary in the night sky

Patheos-Pagan: The Witch Reborn in Autumn: Spiritual Death and the Dance of Bones

Do you hear their call? The night wandering spirits of the Witch Mother’s horde beckon me this time of year, as does she, calling me to dance with them. The spirits of the land join with the fallen leaves, celebrating the season of letting go. As the leaves release the tree, so do I cast off what binds. Finding freedom in shedding a form that no longer serves us. The Dance of Bones, where all is reduced to the soul and the entrapments of the material world removed is nigh.


Inner Journey:


“As long as one keeps searching, the answers come.”
— Joan Baez

Asking ourselves ‘why?’ helps us delve deeply into our main motives — why we do what we do. This process helps us go deeper into our reasoning, habits and unconscious beliefs. Once we become aware of our underlying motives, we can choose to change them, if we wish.

Regularly ask yourself, ‘Why am I…?’ Listen closely for the answer that surfaces in your mind, and write it down. Now look at your answer and ask why again. Continue with this process to reach the true source of your motivation.

“Men are more accountable for their motives, than for anything else….”
— Archibald Alexander

A Note from the Universe

The Learning Game:

When there is ease and simplicity in your life, it’s because earlier you learned a lot.

When there is resistance and obstacles in your life, it’s because there’s even more to learn.

And learning even more, is pretty much the main reason you’re there.

Classy dismissed,

The Universe

Today’s Recipe: Apple Muffins

Celebrate the season with Apples. I have just the recipe to satisfy your hunger. This muffin can be eaten anytime of day. It is delicious and nutritious.

Magical Correspondences for Tuesday

Intentions: Courage, Destination, Physical Strength, Revenge, Military Honors, Surgery and the Breaking of Negative Spells, Matrimony, War, Enemies, Prison, Vitality and Assertiveness

Incense: Dragon’s Blood, Patchouli, Lignum Aloes, Plantain

Perfumes: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli
Planet: Mars
Sign: Aries and Scorpio
Angel: Samuel
Colors: Red and Orange
Herbs/Plants:Red Rose, Cock’s Comb, Pine, Daisy, Thyme and Pepper
Stones: Carnelian, Bloodstone, Ruby, Garnet and Pink Tourmaline
Oil: (Mars) Basil, Coriander, Ginger

Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu, Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman

Daily Wisdom
September 24, 2019


“Let me consider this as a resolution by which I pledge myself to act in all variety of circumstances and to which I must recur often in times of carelessness and temptation – to measure my conduct by the rule of conscience.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Just as conscience is a compass, it is also a measurement devise, according to Emerson. We really know how well we are doing, we don’t need anyone’s judgment or opinion of our behavior – we have our own conscience to mark our progress. There is nothing as freeing as a clear conscience.

-Lissa Coffey


Daily Tarot: Justice

You may be dealing with people who feel inferior or weaker than you, so take care to not run over anyone. Equally, they do not have to serve as an excuse for you to go slower or do less than you know is necessary. Be firm but not too firm, determined but not too determined. Get a lot of good work done.

About Cat’s Morning Bits: These daily post are reblogged from various email newsletters that I receive each day.

I invite you to check out my websites!

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!
Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Cat’s Morning Bits for September 23, 2019


CMB Fall

Cat’s Morning Bits for September 23, 2019

Good Morning Beautiful Souls, grab a cup of your favorite morning brew and start things off with “Today’s Inspirations”. I hope you find something here that will make you feel good or help you on your path today.

Blessings, Cat


Take the fruit I give you, says the bending tree;
Nothing but a burden is it all to me.
Lighten ye my branches, let them toss in air.
Only leave me freedom, next year’s load to bear.
-Lucy Larcom (1824-93)

MBG: Your Horoscope Says This Is The Week To Kick-Start Back-Burner Goals

This week, the AstroTwins share how to start balanced, harmonious Libra season off on the right note.
On Monday, Libra season starts, and harmonious vibes will likely follow.


Treehugger: 2019 Equinox: 12 facts about the first day of fall

Well hello, fall! Even though it happens year after year, the arrival of autumn is always a little surprising. Almost as if on a switch, one day late in the summer you feel it – a subtle crispness in the air. And before you know it, it’s pumpkin-spice-everything everywhere.


ThoughtCo: Celebrating Mabon With Kids

Mabon falls around September 21 in the northern hemisphere, and around March 21 below the equator. This is the autumn equinox, it’s a time to celebrate the season of the second harvest. It’s a time of balance, of equal hours of light and dark, and a reminder that the cold weather isn’t far away at all.


Magic and Spells for Mabon: Wiccan Spell for Balance

The Wiccan Sabbats are often reserved specifically for celebration rather than magical workings. However, there are times when we have needs, and the Sabbats are particularly powerful times to cast spells.
One big goal in Wicca is to learn to achieve balance in our lives, and sometimes finding a healthy balance can be difficult. Be it internal or external reasons, it’s so easy for problems to push us off balance, and it can be hard to get back again.


The Celtic Connection: Mabon Ritual
Autumn Equinox, 2nd Harvest, Falls Between September 21 – 23

In addition to your magical tools you will need:


Elephant Journal: Awaken your Inner Mystic with an Equinox Journal for the Wild Heathen (Sept. 23)

September 23, 2019
Autumn Equinox (Northern Hemisphere), Spring Equinox (Southern) under a Waning Crescent Moon in Cancer

What is the magic that awakens our inner mystic during the Equinox, when the light is equal between night and day?


MNN: 8 things you didn’t know about the autumnal equinox
If you’ve ever wondered what hamsters and the French Revolution have to do with the first day of fall, we’ve got the answers.


EarthSky News: Year’s fastest sunsets around equinoxes

Tonight – at sunset – here’s a natural phenomenon you might never have imagined. That is, the sun actually sets faster around the time of an equinox. The fastest sunsets (and sunrises) occur at or near the equinoxes. And the slowest sunsets (and sunrises) occur at or near the solstices. This is true whether you live in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.

Patheos-Pagan: Autumn Tide Magic: Holda And Her Releasing Geese

Summer is quickly coming to a close here in the northern hemisphere and all I can think is, “Thank Gods.” If you know me, then you know that I am not a summer person. I don’t do well with the heat and my feelings of depression seem to pop up more frequently during this season than any other (strange, I know!).


Inner Journey:


“The affairs of the world will go on forever. Do not delay the practice of meditation.”
— Milarepa

In our busy schedules, we can often complain that we don’t have time to meditate. But if we are sincere in our desire to go inside, we can create our own moments of stillness in the midst of our activity.

Stopped at a traffic light? Do some deep breathing. Waiting in line at the bank or grocery store? Repeat an uplifting word such as ‘love’ or ‘peace.’ Riding the bus to and from work? Value these times as an opportunity to close your eyes and go within or to say a little prayer.

“Wherever you go in the midst of movement and activity, carry your stillness within you. Then the chaotic movement around you will never overshadow your access to the reservoir of creativity, the field of pure potentiality.”
— Deepak Chopra

A Note from the Universe

No one can see into your heart.

Which is why you sometimes have to show them how you feel.

Winks, hugs, and gifts –

The Universe

Today’s Recipe: Sautéed Butternut Squash

These winter squashes can be cut into thin, small pieces and sauteed for a yummy fall side dish.

Magical Correspondences for Monday

Intentions: Psychic Sensitivity, Women’s Mysteries, Tides, Waters, Emotional Issues, Agriculture, Animals, Female Fertility, Messages, Theft, Reconcilliations, Voyages, Dreams, Medicine, Visions and Merchandise

Incense: African Violet, Honeysuckle, Myrtle, Willow, Wormwood
Planet: Moon
Sign: Cancer
Angel: Gabriel
Colors: Silver, White and Gray
Herbs/Plants: Night Flowers, Willow Root, Orris Root, Birch, Motherwort, Vervain, White Rose and White Iris
Stones: Carnelian, Moonstone, Aquamarine, Pearl, Clear Quartz, Flourite, Geodes
Oil: (Moon) Jasmine, Lemon, Sandalwood

Goddesses: Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaeleach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The Greeks Associated With Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast

Daily Wisdom
September 23, 2019


“I should love to satisfy all, if I possibly can; but in trying to satisfy all, I may be able to satisfy none. I have, therefore, arrived at the conclusion that the best course is to satisfy one’s own conscience and leave the world to form its own judgment, favorable or otherwise.”

-Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)

Remember Jiminy Cricket singing “and always let your conscience be your guide.” And I can still hear his little cricket voice from the Disney cartoon, I must have heard that dozens of times when I was a kid. I think the simple explanation I was given at that time was that your conscience would always tell you the right thing to do. If you listened to your conscience, you wouldn’t give in to temptation and do something you would regret later. I may not have understood that completely when I was a child, but I get it now. Sometimes it takes some life experience for us to really learn the lesson. Gandhi is saying here that you can’t please everyone, so you’ve got to please yourself by doing what your conscience tells you is the best thing to do. Then basically let the chips fall where they may.

-Lissa Coffey


Daily Tarot: The Hanged Man
Things may not be going the way you like, but this is no time to give up. Whatever went wrong yesterday or last year is no excuse to stop trying to make things right. Be honest with yourself and do what you can to at least not make matters worse. There’s nothing that can’t be forgiven, repaired or replaced. Keep the faith and keep going.

About Cat’s Morning Bits: These daily post are reblogged from various email newsletters that I receive each day.

I invite you to check out my websites!

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!
Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)