The Harvest Is Coming: Cat’s Angel Message for July 28, 2020

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The Harvest Is Coming: Cat’s Angel Message for July 28, 2020

July’s Theme: Pay attention to your path. You will be receiving important guidance this month so get ready to receive. If something compels you to take action this is the time to go for it!

Look at the lush garden that your thought seeds have created! The possibilities will soon be ready to harvest. ~Cat

728:  The key to abundance can be found in acknowledging the blessings that we have. This generates a positive flow of energy which draws new blessings to us. Our message today is a reminder that the flow of divine abundance always surrounds us. As we approach the first of the Pagan harvest festivals, Lammas/ Lughnasadh, it’s a great time to take stock of what you have and you may even find some things ready to harvest. The old adage of “counting your blessings” really comes into play over the next few days. It’s time to harvest from our inner fields and gardens and embrace the richness and tiny miracles that fill our lives.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:


Archangel Jeremiel is in charge of life reviews and changes. He can help you see everything that you have accomplished recently as well as the areas that need attention and helps us to let go of what we no longer need. He teaches us that by taking inventory of our lives we gain clear perspective of where we are on our path, which in turn helps us to make positive life changes. He removes our fear of change and what the future holds and replaces them with a sense of expectant excitement.


The Hindu god Krishna brings us both joy and happiness. He helps us to see how blessed we truly are as he awakens out spirits to the good things life has to offer


The Mayan goddess Ixchel helps to get our creative juices flowing by breaking through the barriers we have erected that are blocking our progress. Call on her if you are starting something new. ” Clear your mind and allow the creative source to fill you. New things are waiting for you to embrace them!”

Our Sacred Stones for today include:

Sandstone clears the mind of distractions and enhances overall creativity. It helps us to find the truth (in people and situations) which is essential to making good decisions.


Tiger’s Eye (Gold) helps build a bridge between you and your power. It shows us the correct way to use our power and invites our integrity forward. It is also a stone of abundance and draws good things to us while helping us see the blessings we have. Tiger’s Eye helps us to accomplish our goals by showing us how to recognize and access our inner resources and the promotion of clear intentions. It is a stone of luck and prosperity and works with the energies of both earth and sun, it also helps with grounding while drawing spiritual energies to earth.


Black Tourmaline helps to clear away negative energy and offers protection as it helps to stimulate both creativity and practicality. Both of which will help us to achieve our goals.


Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

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Falling Into Place: Cat’s Angel Message for December 27, 2018

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Falling Into Place: Cat’s Angel Message for December 27, 2018 

December’s Theme: Pay close attention to recurring thoughts and ideas. These messages and clues will assist you to make improvements in your life. Taking action will aid in manifestation.

When I’m trusting and being myself… everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously. – Shakti Gawain

1227:  As we enter the final days of days of December the angels are asking us to remain strong and steady in our faith. Our faith helps us to move forward on our path and brings us both grace and confidence. Remember that faith isn’t inherent to just religious paths, it also includes spirituality. Now through the end of the month it will be important to pay attention to the messages you receive and your intuition. If you have hit a rough patch recently or have been rough for a while the angels want us to know that we are cared for. They are here to help us and support us and want to see us succeed.  Do your best to stay focused on your dreams and desires and don’t let fear and uncertainty get you down. You are never alone so don’t be afraid to ask for guidance or assistance.  Your intuitive skills and focus will serve you well today as well. If it feels right use that information to move forward to help meet your goals.

Archangel Uriel gives us essential information that we need when we need it. This assists us during the manifestation process by enhancing our problem solving skills so that we can make the decisions that are best for our current situations. The Ascended Master Serapis Bey helps us to release our troubles and offers clear guidance and motivation regarding our own self improvement. And the Hindu God Krishna brings us both joy and happiness. He helps us to see how blessed we truly are as he awakens out spirits to the good things life has to offer.

Our Sacred Stone is Sugilite which is sometimes called Archangel Michael’s stone. This is a stone of spiritual love and awareness and promotes Divine interaction and communication. Sugilite also encourages positive thinking and teaches us to live our truth and to trust our intuition.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

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Set Worry Aside: Cat’s Angel Message for August 22, 2018

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Set Worry Aside: Cat’s Angel Message for August 22, 2018 

August Theme:  Prosperity and abundance is what we are concentrating on this month. The key will be keeping a positive focus and tapping into your creative side to solve problems. Remember that you are a powerful creator and all that you need is within your grasp!

We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what’s wrong in your life, or you can focus on what’s right. – Marianne Williamson

822:  Today the angels are reminding us that the secret to manifestation is faith. When we have faith in the Universe and  in ourselves we open the door to creating new opportunities and into drawing positive energy into our lives. To keep things moving forward stay focused on the best possible outcome, acknowledge the tiny miracles, and keep an open mind. If worry creeps in take a moment to center yourself and give your concerns over to your angels. Remember to choose your battles wisely where worry is concerned. Things you can’t control or that have not yet happened should be let go or set aside. This will keep your energy flowing. Affirm that you are open to and ready to receive all the wonderful things that the Universe has in store for you!

Call on the angel Pathiel to help open the gates of positive manifestation and Archangel Raziel to assist with overall manifestation process. The Hindu God Krishna brings us both joy and happiness. He helps us to see how blessed we truly are as he awakens our spirits to the good things life has to offer and  The Ascended Master Jesus embodies faith, he also provides a clear and direct line of communication to the Divine and he helps all who ask

Our Sacred Stones for today are Mookite and Lepidolite. Earthy Mookite allows you to see things in a new perspective and aids forward progress. and Lepidolite  helps us to focus on the important things and filter out any distractions that come knocking.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

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Acknowledge What You Have: Cat’s Angel Message for July 28, 2018 

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Acknowledge What You Have: Cat’s Angel Message for July 28, 2018 

 July’s Theme: Pay attention to your path. Spirit is speaking to you so get ready to receive some important guidance. If something compels you to take action this is the time to go for it!

Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance. – Epicurus

728: In the past we’ve talked about abundance and how it comes in many forms. The key  can be found in acknowledging what we have. This generates a positive energy flow which draws new blessings to us.   Our message today is a reminder that the flow of divine abundance always surrounds us. As we approach the first of the Pagan harvest festivals, Lammas/ Lughnasadh, it’s a great time to take stock of what you have and you may even find some things ready to harvest. The old adage of “counting your blessings” really comes into play over the next few days. It’s time to harvest from our inner fields and gardens and embrace the richness and tiny miracles that fill our lives.

Archangel Jeremiel is in charge of life reviews. When you ask him, he can help you see everything that you have accomplished recently as well as the areas that need attention. The Hindu God Krishna brings us both joy and happiness. He helps us to see how blessed we truly are as he awakens out spirits to the good things life has to offer and the Roman Goddess Abundantia teaches us to appreciate abundance in it’s many forms as well as attract them. She tells us, ” Your faith in the bounty of the universe serves you well. Cast aside your worry and embrace the richness of your life because you have so much to grateful for.”

Our Sacred Stones for today are Topaz which helps to attract abundance and overall good fortune,  Labradorite can assist in letting go of fears and past disappointments as it strengthens  our faith in ourselves and the universe.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

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Make It Original: Cat’s Angel Message for June 11, 2018 

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Make It Original: Cat’s Angel Message for June 11, 2018 

June Theme: Balancing our need/desire for earthly materials (possessions, money etc) with focus and faith while staying grounded and present.

If you copy then it is not self-expression. – Michael Schenker

611: Today we continue to acknowledge and embrace the positives in our lives. Remember that your thoughts help to create your reality so take the necessary steps to make it something amazing. Look to your creative side and make some upgrades to your surroundings. Declutter, paint the kitchen or maybe revamp your personal space. Whatever you choose to do make sure that it’s a reflection of your inner sparkle and light. Allow your creative side to partner with your intuition. If your intuition leads you out of your comfort zone today is a great day to take that step towards expression and empowerment. Surround your workings today with gratitude and appreciation and extend them to those you love as it creates more love to keep the energy flowing!

Touch base with Archangel Jophiel again today. Let her be your tour guide into the realms of beauty. The Hindu God Krishna brings us both joy and happiness. He helps us to see how blessed we truly are as he awakens out spirits to the good things life has to offer and the Greek Goddess Iris teaches us that miracles of beauty can happen in a instant. She says “Open your eyes, both physical and spiritual, then open your heart and allow the divine light to fill you. This will help you see the blessings and the beauty that are right before your eyes. Take nothing for granted.”

Our Sacred Stones for today include the gentle energy of  Seraphinite that helps to clear the heart chakra and  opens us to love on all levels, Green Amethyst encourages us to look inward and embrace self discovery and Rose Quartz to promote self love which is key to positive self expression and empowerment.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!

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