Moving With Grace: Cat’s Angel Message for February 7, 2023

Moving With Grace: Cat’s Angel Message for February 7, 2023

February’s Theme: Trusting in the “unseen” and believing in yourself takes you to the next step in your personal evolution. Our keywords are “I CAN”.


Today I thank the Universe for giving me the skills and courage to create my life! ~Cat


Today’s Message: Moving With Grace

27: Our daily readings focus quite often on faith. Faith isn’t inherent to just one religion it encompasses them all, including spirituality. While we can have faith in many things one of the most important things to have is faith in ourselves. Our personal faith enhances our intuition and helps us to have a better understanding of self, and our inner workings. Remember that the Universe and the angels are here to helps us but we must be willing to do our part. (This sounds familiar… right?) This is where faith in yourself comes into play and the stronger your faith the more you can create. Today the Universe is asking us to surround ourselves with our faith and remain open to the guidance and messages that you receive. Allow yourself to move forward with grace and an optimistic outlook!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Chamuel helps us in regards to relationships. This includes the one we have with ourselves and our own spiritual nature. He helps us to build a strong foundation from which we can create our personal evolution. Archangel Chamuel also helps us to find what is lost. If you feel like you have wandered off your path, or have lost faith and are having trouble finding your way back he can help you get your bearings.

The Ascended Master Saint Germain helps us to persevere in our personal quests and provides us with courage and direction. He teaches us how to clear the way and free our minds from worry so that we can work on more important things and shows us the way to comfortably interact with people who can help us achieve our goals.

The Egyptian goddess Isis reminds us that growth requires patience and that change and growth are an ongoing part of life. “Be grateful for the baby steps that move you along your path, for they are milestones on your inner journey. Celebrate these steps and appreciate every kindness shown as they are all part of a grand celebration!

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Crazy Lace Agate gently boosts our self confidence and concentration while reestablishing our overall feelings of wholeness and well-being. It’s an excellent grounding stone that helps to bring balance between our negative and positive emotions.

Amazonite. This stone is sometimes called the stone of hope. It helps us to speak our truth with confidence and instills us with hope itself. It calms and soothes frayed nerves during times of stress and helps us to feel and embrace universal love. It works with both heart and throat chakras.

Mookite, a form of Jasper, that comes in many creamy color combinations, promotes decision making and versatility. These things are important when we are faced with new experiences and find ourselves faced with the need to take action. It encourages us to be flexible during times of change and helps us to embrace new experiences with an open sense of adventure

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Working Together: Cat’s Angel Message for December 14, 2022

Working Together: Cat’s Angel Message for December 14, 2022

 December’s Theme: It’s time to replace the old and outdated and welcome in new opportunities and blessings. This is the season to receive the good things the Unoverse has in store!


Be the Creator that you were meant to be. You have the power to make things happen! ~Cat


Today’s Message: Working Together

1214: We are receiving assistance from the angels today as we work on manifesting the things we need or desire. This is a team effort and if we truly want to succeed we must do our part to help make things happen. This means that once you ask for assistance (and yes you need to ask) you must continue to add your energy to the request by taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves, by releasing things we no longer need to make room and by staying focused on the desired outcome. Sometimes the fear of success or failure stops us from making the effort or moving forward. Just remember that our patience and perseverance helps us to grow and increases our power. By working as team there is nothing that cannot be accomplished

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Sandalphon hears all requests and makes sure that they get to the Angel or Ascended Master who is  best able to handle them. Ask him to help you clearly understand the information that you receive (his favorite mode of communication is music!). Sandalphon also provides us with an emotional boost of courage. This is important as it helps us to make bold decisions that will help us on our path.

The Ascended Master Solomon helps us to take what we are given and make the most of it. He  teaches us how to do things more efficiently as he guides us through difficult situations. Focus and efficiency help us in our quest for personal evolution and help create the necessary stepping stones we need to move ahead.

The Hawaiian fire goddess Pele helps us to ignite our inner fire. This fire when channeled correctly helps to fuel our passions and sense of purpose. She is a goddess of empowerment teaches us about honest communication and how it aids our goal setting and getting. “Within you lives the sacred fire that gives life to your greatest dreams and passions. This part of you must be allowed to come forward, not smothered beneath fear, resentment or the expectations of others. Your fire will help you forge new paths!”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Apophyllite promotes a strong connection between the physical body and the information that is transmitted from the spiritual realms. It also helps to bring Universal love into the decision making process so that mind and spirit are connected.

Orange Calcite helps us to embrace our own power and the abilities we possess while eliminating self-defeating thinking. It also helps to balance the emotions and calm our fears so that we can work through problems and temporary setbacks so we may reach our full potential. It helps to dissolve problems and insecurities that can arise when we are faced with new opportunities.

Lava Stone. This simple stone is a powerful symbol of our own energy and is connected to Pele. It is a stone of rebirth and helps us to burn away unneeded layers so we can initiate new growth.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Surrounded By The Good: Cat’s Angel Message for October 11, 2022

Surrounded By The Good: Cat’s Angel Message for October 11, 2022

October’s Theme: Information, Divine guidance, Aha! moments and messages.Thoughts, ideas, and insights.


Negative energy is like quicksand. The more energy you give it the harder it is to free yourself. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Surrounded By The Good

1011: Everyday we handcraft create our personal  reality through our thoughts and beliefs. By focusing on the good things we ultimately draw more of the same towards us. Just like a negative focus draws negative things. Remember, negative thoughts are normal (we all have them) and they should never be dismissed out of hand. The key here is to acknowledge and examine them, look for the “WHY” you feel that way, and release it to the Universe. Today we are being asked to engage our creative side, do something fun or that brings you joy and to avoid addictive behaviors and toxic situations or people. Surround yourself positive vibes and allow the attitude of gratitude to fill your entire being.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

 Archangel Jophiel the angel of Illumination and wisdom, fills us with beautiful, loving thoughts and uplifting energy which helps us to create a fresh approach to life. Jophiel tells us that goodness and beauty surround us all the time. By keeping ourselves open to receiving these blessings it draws the things we need directly to us. She reminds us that slowing down activates our creative mind and makes these things easier to visualize and grasp and by taking the time to “smell the roses” the attitude of gratitude flows more easily.

The Ascended Master Melchizedek helps keep our energy balanced and flowing. This is essential for using our gifts and understanding the information we receive. He can also help  to diffuse unpleasant situations that can arise as we go through change and transformation. Since he helps us heal through color, pay attention to the colors that draw you or feel relevant.

 The Hindu Goddess Kali is a dark mother and goddess of death. Each time we let go of something that no longer serves us we are in truth embracing a “little death” and fear often accompanies the letting go process. One of Kali’s greatest lessons is through our worst fears lies the freedom we gain in conquering them. She says: “Dreams must be created with focus and intent. I will help you to embrace the courage and motivation that you need to see things through to a successful conclusion.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Crazy Lace Agate gently boosts our self confidence and concentration while reestablishing our overall feelings of wholeness and well-being. It’s an excellent grounding stone that helps to bring balance between our negative and positive emotions.

   Dioptase helps us to create a more balanced life while we work toward achieving our personal goals. It also teaches us to see things in joy and the best in every action.

Moonstone, the stone of new beginnings, reminds us that all things are a part of the cycle of change (also helps us connect to the goddess Cerridwen)  This beautiful, watery stone helps to navigate the cycles of change and calms our emotions. Gently encouraging creative thinking and creative problem solving as it brings our intuitive skills forward, promoting control and confidence so these skills become more familiar and easier to access. It also provides emotional healing by helping to stabilize the emotions and draw out old emotional patterns

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

It’s About Support: Cat’s Angel Message for August 9, 2022

It’s About Support: Cat’s Angel Message for August 9, 2022

August Theme: Positive focus and creative solutions help to draw both prosperity and abundance this month.  You are a powerful creator and all that you need is within your grasp!


Ask for what you need and stay open to accepting support. ~Cat


Today’s Message: It’s About Support

89: Every day we receive support from the universe, the angels, and from people in our lives. Today the Universe is telling us that it’s a good time to acknowledge those who love us and who are always there to listen or lend a hand when we need it. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone told someone else “Good job!” “Way to go!” or “Thank you for doing your best!”? Simple things like these inspire growth, create connections, and make lives better. Share some of your optimistic energy today with others for a win-win situation. It’s important to remember though that not everyone is there to support you and it is up to you to gently cut cords with those who take pleasure in knocking you down. When we allow ourselves to receive this negative energy from others we are harmed, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. A good support system lifts you up and surrounds you with loving and supportive people it draws more of the same back to you and helps you to support others in turn.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Embrace the healing energy of Archangel Raphael. This enhances your personal healing abilities so that you are better equipped to help yourself and others when needed. He teaches us that it is through our spiritual journey that we can heal ourselves and our lives and therefore regain our self-confidence and faith. He helps to clear the way so that we can achieve balance by removing the blocks associated with giving and receiving by promoting flexibility in thinking and attitude.

 The Ascended Master, Saint Padre Pio, keeps us on the path of spiritual and personal growth. As we continue to grow so do our abilities like intuition, compassion, and seeing through the eyes of love. His energy is strong and optimistic which helps to boost our faith and confidence.

 The Chinese Goddess Kuan Yin, who embodies compassion and mercy says, “You are a beautiful soul and have so much to offer. I can guide you on the path of self-love and help you to embrace the confidence you need to free your mind, heart, and spirit. Be gentle with yourself. Joy comes from embracing the simple things which frees up the energy needed to assist the creative process and help others along the way.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Crazy Lace Agate gently boosts our self-confidence and concentration while reestablishing our overall feelings of wholeness and well-being. It’s an excellent grounding stone that helps to bring balance between our negative and positive emotions.

Chalcedony brings the mind, body, spirit, and emotions into harmony by calming fear, anger, or self-doubt. It also promotes good feelings towards self and others.

Malachite helps to support friendships and promotes empathy towards others. It also strengthens our ability to absorb and process information so that we can show our feelings in a positive way. Malachite helps those making aggressive personal or life changes. It brings a sense of adventure to our transformation as it shows us what is blocking our spiritual growth and the best way to move forward.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Skills and Tools: Cat’s Angel Message for July 26, 2022

Skills and Tools: Cat’s Angel Message for July 26, 2022

July’s Theme: Pay attention to your path as you will be receiving important guidance this month so get ready to receive it. If something compels you to take action this is the time to go for it!


Lift your face to the morning sun and offer thanks to the universe. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Skills and Tools

726: The most important tools that we have in our “Sacred Toolbox” are faith, self-confidence, and a belief in our own abilities. While Spirit and the Angels are here to help us we must do our part to make things happen. This is where these “Sacred Tools” come into play. Always look for the “one good thing” and be willing to accept the good into your life in whatever manner it presents itself. Use your superpowers of optimism and hope to keep the ball rolling and embrace the principle of divine timing. Remember that you are a powerful creator and the stronger your faith the more you can create. Today the Angels are asking us to surround ourselves with faith. Listen to the divine and inner guidance you receive and take action accordingly.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Jophiel the angel of Illumination and wisdom, fills us with beautiful, loving thoughts and uplifting energy which helps us to create a fresh approach to life. Jophiel tells us that goodness and beauty surround us all the time. By keeping ourselves open to receiving these blessings it draws the things we need directly to us. This is a reminder that slowing down activates our creative mind and makes these things easier to visualize and grasp and by taking the time to “smell the roses” the attitude of gratitude flows more easily.

The Ascended Master Solomon helps us to take what we are given and make the most of it. He teaches us how to do things more efficiently as he guides us through difficult situations. Focus and efficiency help us in our quest for personal evolution and help create the necessary stepping stones we need to move ahead.

The Welsh Goddess Cerridwen uses her cauldron “Amen” to help provide us with knowledge, wisdom, personal rebirth, and inspiration. remember that change brings us the transformation that we need. She reminds us “The opportunity for your own transformation lies before you. It provides you the chance to spread your wings and grow. Look into my sacred cauldron and see the vision of your path unfolding before you.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Blue Lace Agate helps us to create and maintain balance during times of stress. It helps us to find our voice when indecision is a factor, allowing us to freely express thoughts and feelings in a peaceful manner.

Jade stimulates knowledge and ideas and can provide aid in problem-solving and shows us the path to reaching our goals and actualizing our dreams. It also promotes emotional balance and self-confidence as it gently dissipates negativity and brings peace on all levels. Jade attracts both prosperity and good luck as it helps us to understand that we are spiritual beings on this very human journey we call life.

Sunstone brings personal empowerment and fights procrastination. It brings out our natural optimism, and self-confidence, and promotes our natural flow of abundance as it soothes our fear of change and the accompanying stress that change can bring.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Taking it All In: Cat’s Angel Message for July 22, 2022

Taking it All In: Cat’s Angel Message for July 22, 2022

July’s Theme: Pay attention to your path as you will be receiving important guidance this month so get ready to receive it. If something compels you to take action this is the time to go for it!


Each experience contains a lesson that helps us navigate our way. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Taking it All In

722: Your path is like a road trip. It consists of many sights and attractions, some good and some bad. We encounter bumps, potholes, and roadblocks mixed in with some truly breathtaking and inspiring scenery. We even find side paths that lead us on a merry chase all the while teaching us valuable lessons along the way. However, in order to grow, we need to keep moving forward, even though this road trip doesn’t come with a map. This requires focus on our desired destination, even if we’re not quite sure how to get there. The key is to stay strong and believe in yourself. Today the Angels are reminding us that life is full of unlimited possibilities and we have unlimited potential. You are an amazing being who is worthy of the best the Universe has to offer!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Chamuel helps us in regards to relationships. This includes the one we have with ourselves and our own spiritual nature. he helps us to build a strong foundation from which we can create our personal evolution. Archangel Chamuel also helps us to find what is lost. If you feel like you have wandered off your path and are having trouble finding your way back he can help you get your bearings.

The Ascended Master Solomon helps us to take what we are given and make the most of it. He teaches us how to do things more efficiently as he guides us through difficult situations. Focus and efficiency help us in our quest for personal evolution and help create the necessary stepping stones we need to move ahead.

The Greek goddess Nike, Lady of victory and success helps us to embrace the good things that we have accomplished. By acknowledging them we can increase our faith in ourselves as a creator. She says: “Do not be afraid to acknowledge the amazing things you have done but don’t rest to long on your laurels. Remember that your power comes through movement and momentum is lost through inactivity. Keep moving and you will be victorious!”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Ametrine. This stone, a combination of amethyst and citrine, helps to release blocks like negative emotional programming. It also encourages growth while helping us to explore all possibilities and find the creative solutions that are needed to make the most of the information we are given.

Iron Pyrite has warm, positive energy. It teaches us to have confidence in our skills and abilities so that we are able to realize our true potential by stimulating new ideas and knowledge of our own self-worth. Pyrite also helps to balance instinct with innate intuition and overall creativity.

Okenite can be used to help clear away obstacles and teaches us that the universe is filled with unlimited possibilities when allowing ourselves to face and adapt to change. It helps us to find our inner strength so that we can finish what we start and helps replace bad habits with good ones. Okenite also helps us understand and work through karmic lessons so that they are resolved.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

You Have The Skills: Cat’s Angel Message for July 16, 2022

You Have The Skills: Cat’s Angel Message for July 16, 2022

July’s Theme: Pay attention to your path as you will be receiving important guidance this month so get ready to receive it. If something compels you to take action this is the time to go for it!


The Universe is here to help you! ~Cat


Today’s Message: You Have The Skills

716: Our partnership with the Universe teaches us how to trust in ourselves and in our own intuition. These sacred tools help us to navigate our path and to strengthen our powers of manifestation. Today we are being reminded that we are capable of making good things happen for ourselves as well as directing our own personal journeys. It simply requires some effort on our part to help make things happen. Today the Angels are asking us to surround ourselves with love. Don’t struggle or try to force things to happen too quickly. Our ability to go with the flow helps us to let go of our fears and limiting beliefs. Which in turn allows abundance to freely enter your life. Simply know in your heart that you are manifesting what you need even if you can’t see it quite yet. Good things are happening so keep your chin up!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Raziel can assist us in both embracing our unique divine magic and in the overall manifestation process. He tells us that growth and freedom can be found when we let go of what we have outgrown as well as our limiting self-beliefs and fears all of which hold us back from achieving and creating the life we want.

The Himalayan Ascended Master Babaji helps us to achieve the personal and spiritual growth necessary for the letting go process. He assists us in detaching ourselves from both material things and things that no longer serve us. He teaches us that letting go is a form of simplifying your life. It frees your energy so that you can work on what’s important so that new blessings can be received. 

The Gnostic goddess Sige teaches us the importance of being still of mind. Information and guidance come more easily when we surrender to the silence. She says” Allow your mind to be still and let your inner wisdom guide you. The answers that you seek are before you if you have the courage to remove the veils and shed light in the shadows.

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

 Black Banded Agate helps us start new things, and embrace new beginnings and projects. It promotes the creativity needed to make things happen. The patterns in this stone invite inspiration and creative flow!

Calcite (Golden Ray) to boost your creative thinking and to eliminate patterns of self-defeating thinking. This helps to promote new and innovative ways to solve problems and move things forward.

 Selenite (Desert Rose) These beautiful stone “flowers” help to increase our understanding of our own personal value in the universal plan. It dissolves outdated self-imposed programming and helps us to replace it with new ideas and self perspective.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Amazing Manifestations: Cat’s Angel Message for July 11, 2022

Amazing Manifestations: Cat’s Angel Message for July 11, 2022

July’s Theme: Pay attention to your path as you will be receiving important guidance this month so get ready to receive it. If something compels you to take action this is the time to go for it!


Strengthening the bond between yourself and the universe strengthens our powers of attraction. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Amazing Manifestations

711: Today we continue our acknowledgment of gratitude and the role it plays in our personal journey. Through the power of positive thought, we are able to manifest some pretty amazing things. Sometimes the results are visible and sometimes they’re not. However, by getting the proverbial ball rolling and through our continued efforts to move forward we know that it’s simply a matter of time before we see tangible proof of the results. The Angels are letting us know how proud they are of what we have accomplished so far. The key is to gratefully acknowledge the tiny miracles when they arrive because over time they will complete the manifestation process.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

 Archangel Gabriel helps us to access our inner wisdom and shows us how it can guide and inspire us. Gabriel also teaches us the importance of communication on all levels. This helps us to overcome our fears so that we can complete the things we start and achieve positive results during times of transformation and change. 

The Ascended Master  Serapis Bey helps us to release our troubles and offers clear guidance and motivation regarding our own self-improvement. He also helps us gain spiritual insight and teaches us that loving care is essential to navigating change.

The Norse goddess Freya celebrates fertility, spring, and new growth. She is also a goddess of fate and extends to us an invitation to use your personal magick to create. She says “Feel the pulse of earth beneath your feet and feel the sun upon your face. Draw upon them to enhance your power as you help the tides of fate to weave your destiny.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Citrine. This happy and sunny crystal draws abundance and brings our self-confidence forward. It promotes the optimistic mindset necessary to activate the manifestation process and nudges us into action. We can also use Citrine to help us sift through information and analyze situations so that we can move forward with positive intent. Citrine also helps us go with the flow and encourages us to explore all options so that we can make the best decisions for our journey.

While Garnet is best known as a stone of protection it can benefit the use of our natural talents as well. It helps us to overcome any resistance we may have in using our gifts and promotes self-confidence. Garnet removes what no longer serves and mental self-sabotage which opens the doors to new growth and personal evolution. It promotes balance and clears and re-energizes the chakras.

Quartz (Green). This stone helps attract abundance in all forms and increases our powers of perception so that we can see the “Tiny Miracles” more clearly.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Help The Universe Help You; Cat’s Angel Message for June 14, 2022

Help The Universe Help You; Cat’s Angel Message for June 14, 2022

June’s Theme: Maintaining balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self, etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


An unwillingness to help ourselves will net us nothing in the long run. ~Cat


Today’s Message: Help The Universe Help You

614: Working with the Universe requires a divine partnership. If we truly want to succeed then it’s imperative that we do our part to help create on our own behalf. Today we are being reminded that our helpers can only do so much. The Universe does have an unlimited supply but without adding our own efforts and energies we won’t get the “whole enchilada”, just a few bites. You are worthy of great things so allow yourself to believe in your own power. Remember, you and your angels are a team and by working together with faith, and focus there is nothing that cannot be accomplished!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Chamuel helps us in creating and maintaining strong and loving relationships. While this includes the one we have with ourselves and our own spiritual nature, it helps our relationships with others as well. Ask him to help you create an atmosphere of peace, love, and togetherness. His goal is to help us to build a strong foundation from which we can create our personal evolution.

  The Ascended Master Solomon helps us to take what we are given and make the most of it. He teaches us how to do things more efficiently as he guides us through difficult situations. Focus and efficiency help us in our quest for personal evolution and help create the necessary stepping stones we need to move ahead.

 The Greek goddess Nike, Lady of victory and success helps us to embrace the good things that we have accomplished. By acknowledging them we can increase our faith in ourselves as a creator. She says: “Do not be afraid to acknowledge the amazing things you have done but don’t rest too long on your laurels. Remember that your power comes through movement and momentum is lost through inactivity. Keep moving and you will be victorious!”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Aventurine teaches us how to give and receive gracefully. Both are necessary for healthy relationships with self and others and it allows the Universe to care for you. Aventurine also helps to dispel the anger and irritation that sometimes arise when we are stuck in the “what I lack” mind loop”.

Cerussite helps to keep us grounded, as it stimulates new growth. It teaches us to be flexible and how to adapt to the changes we have made.

Howlite helps us to formulate our plans to and achieve our ambitions and goals. It helps us to communicate these things in a calm and reasonable manner and tempers this with patience. Howlite also creates a link to the universal realms and prepares the mind to receive guidance.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

It’s All About Patience: Cat’s Angel Message for June 12, 2022

It’s All About Patience: Cat’s Angel Message for June 12, 2022

June’s Theme: Maintaining balance in all areas of our lives. (material, spiritual, goals, dreams, self, etc.) Create and invite good things through focus and faith while staying grounded and present.


Sometimes good things take time to arrive. ~Cat


Today’s Message: It’s All About Patience

612: Our prayers and request often resemble a puzzle that can’t be completed until all the pieces are in place. This is called Divine timing. Human beings are an impatient bunch and have been conditioned to expect everything to happen immediately. However, forcing something to happen too quickly usually means that we are gifted a few bites and miss out on enjoying the “whole enchilada” due to our own impatience. Today we are being reminded that our dreams do not truly manifest until the Universe knows that we are ready to handle them. We can help divine timing by staying focused on our goals, having faith in the Universe and ourselves, and by grabbing the opportunities that do present themselves to build a firm foundation to support our dreams. By building a strong foundation we ensure our success. Remember that patience is the key to all manifestation and a positive attitude helps to open the doors and pathways you need to move forward!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Sandalphon hears all requests and makes sure that they get to the Angel or Ascended Master who is best able to handle them. Ask him to help you clearly understand the information that you receive (his favorite mode of communication is music!). Sandalphon also provides us with an emotional boost of courage. This is important as it helps us to make bold decisions that will help us on our path.

The Ascended Master El Morya can help if you have trouble staying present and focused in the now. He teaches us the importance of putting aside what we cannot control so that we are free to think about other things. He reminds us that it is our faith that keeps us grounded so that we can embrace both the patience and the clear decision-making needed to make things happen.

The Egyptian goddess Hathor helps us to find the answer to the question “How shall I live my life?” She tells us that every moment gives us opportunities for growth. ” When you are filled with indecision you move away from yourself and your power as a creator. Indecision silences you ability to hear your own inner wisdom. If you need my help just ask and I will shower you with energy that will tip the scales in the direction of what you desire.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Larimar helps to remove self-imposed barriers that may be keeping us from accepting our personal power and stops self-sabotaging behavior by bringing out the best in us. It helps us to see the things that we have to be grateful for and the tiny miracles that we take for granted. This sky blue stone also helps to ease our obsession with material things and shows us how to put things into perspective so that we manifest what we really need. It shows us how to go with the flow.

Tangerine Quartz helps to increase our receptivity to Divine inspiration while it stimulates the mind and enhances overall creativity. It fills us with hope and joy as it restores our feelings of self-worth.

Tiger’s Eye (Gold) helps build a bridge between you and your power. It shows us the correct way to use our power and invites our integrity forward. It is also a stone of abundance and draws good things to us while helping us see the blessings we have. Tiger’s Eye helps us to accomplish our goals by showing us how to recognize and access our inner resources and the promotion of clear intentions.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)