Cat’s Morning Bits for September 6, 2019


CMB green

Cat’s Morning Bits for September 6, 2019

Good Morning Beautiful Souls, grab a cup of your favorite morning brew and start things off with “Today’s Inspirations”. I hope you find something here that will make you feel good or help you on your path today.

Blessings, Cat


Our seasons have no fixed returns,
Without our will they come and go;
At noon our sudden summer burns,
Ere sunset all is snow.
-James Russell Lowell (1819-91)


Spiritual Unite: Twin Flame Astrology Signs – Balance Each Other

Twin Flame astrology signs are an essential part of discovering the challenges, opportunities, and intricacies of your unique partnership.
Astrology is one of the oldest methods of uncovering the secrets of the universe and has been used by almost every culture from every corner of the globe.


ThoughtCo: All About Incense

For thousands of years, people have used fragrant flowers, plants, and herbs as incense. Using smoke to send prayers out to the gods is one of the oldest known forms of ceremony. From the censers of the Catholic church to the Pagan bonfire rituals, incense is a powerful way to let the intent of mankind be known to the gods and the universe.


Spirit Library: September 2019 Energy Report

We made it through August and its powerful new and full moons but before you heave a sign of relief know that its energy is going to be pivotal in September and through the rest of the year. We’re on the final stretch of 2019, leading us to the important, historic, and rare January 2020 aspects. As I was considering what to write for this energy report, this quote from Robert Frost came to mind,


Today’s Deity: Chinese Gods and Goddesses: Heroes, Legends, and Gossips

Chinese gods and goddesses have changed over the millennia-long period we recognize as the history of China today. Scholars recognize four different types of Chinese gods, but the categories have a considerable overlap:


Pink Color Meaning – The Color Pink
The color pink represents caring, compassion and love. The pink color stands for unconditional love and understanding, and is associated with giving and receiving care. Since pink is a combination of red and white, both colors add a little to its characteristics.


Elephant Journal: The Buddhist Way to Solve Anxiety, Overwhelm & Self-Doubt.

Allow me to light a fire under your butt today.
When I was diagnosed with cancer for the first time (I’ve had it twice—two different kinds), I was living what many people think of as “the dream.”


Natural Living Ideas: How To Harvest Dandelion Roots & 7 Ways To Use Them

For centuries, dandelion has been embraced by herbalists and natural living enthusiasts to treat everything from liver problems to digestive issues.

Every part of this healing weed is edible – from the blossoms and leaves right down to the oft forgotten roots. However, it’s these deep roots that contain so many of the plant’s health benefits. Not only are they a rich source of vitamins A, B, C and D, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium and zinc; but the bitter substances in these tubers also aid in detoxification and liver stimulation.


MNN: North Carolina’s wild horses will ride out the hurricane ‘butts to the wind’

As Hurricane Dorian heads up the East Coast, animal lovers have expressed concern about the wild horses that make their home along the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
The horses won’t be evacuated; they’ll ride out the storm using a method they’ve used for centuries. The horses will huddle together “butts to the wind,” bracing themselves against the weather.


EarthSky News: Moon near Saturn on September 7 and 8

Look for the planet Saturn in the vicinity of the moon as darkness falls on September 7 and 8, 2019. Saturn is actually a bit brighter than a 1st-magnitude star, but this world still might be hard to see in the moon’s glare. If so, try placing your finger over the obtrusive waxing gibbous moon for a better view of Saturn, the most distant world that you can easily see with the eye alone.

Patheos-Pagan:  When Magick Is Not The Answer

There are times when magick is not the answer. Yes. I know some of you are gasping and shaking your heads. However, I learned this lesson years ago. Experience tells me if the heart or mind are conflicted, the spell isn’t going to work or at least not in the way you think it should.


Inner Journey:


“We race to win, but at what price? Driven by the threat of time, we wonder why we feel so empty at the end of action-filled days.”
— Diana Hunt

Do you fly through each day with your eyes always on the clock? In western cultures, we’ve been taught that we need to impose our own order on life. As a result, we think we need to control every aspect of our day.

How might you enter into a new relationship with time? How might you take back the power you’ve given to the clock?

This is the time of your life. How are you spending it?

“When busyness is the measure of time, no matter how much time exists it is never enough.”
— Diana Hunt

A Note from the Universe

Birds only know their “is-ness,” trees only know their “is-ness,” and planets only know their “is-ness.”

That’s their only “business.”

Let it be yours.

Knock, knock?

The Universe

Today’s Recipe: Air Fryer Acorn Squash Fries

I love acorn squash for its nutty flavour, lovely texture, and high fiber/vitamin content. They’re especially awesome when turned into fries. Here, I’ve used my air fryer to make them quickly. If you’d rather make them in your oven, place them on a baking sheet and follow these same directions, but cooking for a total of 40 minutes.

Magical Correspondences for Friday

Intentions: Love, Pleasure, Affairs of the Heart, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Peace, Healing, Beauty, gentleness and Women’s Issues.

Incense: Strawberry, Sandalwood, Rose, Saffron, Verbena and Vanilla
Planet: Venus
Sign: Libra and Taurus
Angel: Ariel
Colors: Green, Pink, Aqua
Herbs/Plants: Pink Rose, Ivy, Birch, Heather, Clematis, Sage, Violet and Water Lilly

Stones: Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Pink Tourmaline, Peridot, Emerald and Jade
Oil: (Venus) Cardamom, Palmrosa, Rose, Yarrow, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris

Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

Daily Wisdom
September 6, 2019


“An understanding heart is everything in a teacher… One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.”
-Carl G. Jung (1875-1961)

We have teachers all throughout our lives. I can remember just a handful of the ones I had while I was in school, and that is because I knew that they cared about me. As an adult, I studied at The Healing Arts Center, and my teacher there was Louise Taylor. I am so grateful to Louise for sharing so much of her knowledge and wisdom with me. And she taught me, and all of her students, by example as much as by her classes. Louise is a wonderful, caring, compassionate mother, friend, and businesswoman. She radiates integrity, creativity and love. Those are qualities of a good teacher!

-Lissa Coffey

About Cat’s Morning Bits: These daily posts are reblogged from various email newsletters that I receive each day.

I invite you to check out my websites!

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!
Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Cat’s Morning Bits for July 15, 2019

CMB green

Cat’s Morning Bits for July  15, 2019

Good Morning Beautiful Souls, grab a cup of your favorite morning brew and start things off with “Today’s Inspirations”. I hope you find something here that will make you feel good or help you on your path today.

Blessings, Cat


Very good in the grass to lie
And see the network ‘gainst the sky,
A living lace of blue and green,
And boughs that let the gold between.
-Katharine Tynan Hinkson (1861-1931)


Spiritual Unite: Hawk Spirit Animal – Take The High Road

Your hawk spirit animal appears in your life when you are optimistic, you need a higher perspective, or you would benefit from a more systematic approach.
This is a powerful spirit animal that flies into your awareness during spiritually active times in your life.


ThoughtCo: Pagan Prayers for the Lammas Sabbat 

At Lammas, sometimes called Lughnasadh, it’s time to begin reaping what we have sown throughout the past few months, and recognize that the bright summer days will soon come to an end. Use these simple seasonal prayers to celebrate Lammas, the early grain harvest.


Daily Tarot: The Chariot

If you’ve been working hard toward some goal or specific result, you could see victory today. Feel like a winner, project the confidence of a winner, and perhaps behave as though you have already won. Keep your spirits high no matter what happens and be pleased with how many people are happy for you. No matter how huge or trivial, it is still a big step forward.


MBG: Heads Up: There’s A Full Moon AND Mercury Retrograde This Week

The Capricorn full moon on Tuesday is an invitation to check in with your goals.
Do you remember those New Year’s resolutions you made way back at the beginning of 2019? Or maybe some wishes you set in motion with the Capricorn solar eclipse on January 5?


Wise Woman Herbal: Herbal and Home Remedies That Prevent Memory Loss
by Susun S. Weed

Even a single family member who is senile or afflicted with Alzheimer’s is enough to make anyone dread the possibility. Since women have always lived longer than men, the Ancient Grandmothers have a thing or two to tell us about how to keep our memory sharp until the day we die (at 100+).


Elephant Journal: 6 Truth-Bombs to help Unearth your Best Self.

How do we find the way to our truest selves?
How can we navigate our lives to achieve joy and satisfaction?

Happiness seems to be the ultimate goal, but it’s a challenge for most of us. Sadly, we waste a lot of time waiting for it, or pursuing dead ends.


MNN: 14 things you didn’t know about goats

Baby goats are as cute as puppies. When you see one, you just want to pick it up and cuddle it and take it home. In fact, researchers found that goats are more like dogs than we thought. They’ll look people in the eye when they’re frustrated with a task and could use a little help, according to a study published in Biology Letters.


EarthSky News: Moon goes by Saturn night of July 15

On July 15, 2019, the almost-full waxing gibbous moon and the planet Saturn pair up together on the sky’s dome, staying out nearly all night long. Saturn just passed its yearly opposition on July 9. It’s now at its brightest and best for all of 2019. Although the July 15 moon will probably appear full to the eye, it isn’t truly full until the night of July 16

Patheos-Pagan: The Power Of The Witches’ Mind: Self-Deception, The Imagined Other, And Sympathetic Magick

Through our powerful witches’ minds, we create magick both in the form of an actual poppet or of the entirely energetic variety when we create mighty illusions of ourselves and others. Like sympathetic witchcraft, our thoughts create beings of ourselves and others that may have little to do with truth. Whether the poppet is a physical creation or entirely an energetic thought-form, sticking needles and otherwise giving attention to false poppets leads to trouble.


Inner Journey:


“Our sadness is an energy we discharge in order to heal. …Sadness is painful. We try to avoid it. Actually discharging sadness releases the energy involved in our emotional pain. To hold it in is to freeze the pain within us. The therapeutic slogan is that grieving is the ‘healing feeling.'”
— John Bradshaw

“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.”
— William Shakespeare

“There is no despair so absolute as that which comes with the first moments of our first great sorrow, when we have not yet known what it is to have suffered and be healed, to have despaired and recovered hope.”
— George Eliot

“Seek not happiness too greedily, and be not fearful of unhappiness.”
— Lao-tzu

“When the heart grieves over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left.”
— Sufi epigram

Today’s Deity: Tezcatlipoca: Aztec God of Night and Smoking Mirrors

Tezcatlipoca (Tez-ca-tlee-POH-ka), whose name means “Smoking Mirror”, was the Aztec god of night and sorcery, as well as the patron deity of Aztec kings and young warriors. As with many Aztec gods, he was associated with several aspects of Aztec religion, the sky, and the earth, winds and the north, kingship, divination, and war. For the different aspects he embodied, Tezcatlipoca was also known as the Red Tezcatlipoca of the West, and the Black Tezcatlipoca of the North, associated with death and cold.


A Note from the Universe

And the day will come when all of the gold in the world will not appeal to you as much as having just one more day of being who and where you already are, with what you already have.
If it hasn’t already.
Thank you,

The Universe

Today’s Recipe: Zingy Honey Mustard Salad Dressing

It’s so easy to make just about any kind of salad dressing, and fast. Made without any preservatives, and just tastes better when you make them yourself. If you like a little zing (spicy hot) this honey mustard dressing you’re sure to enjoy.

Magical Correspondences for Monday

Intentions: Psychic Sensitivity, Women’s Mysteries, Tides, Waters, Emotional Issues, Agriculture, Animals, Female Fertility, Messages, Theft, Reconcilliations, Voyages, Dreams, Medicine, Visions and Merchandise

Incense: African Violet, Honeysuckle, Myrtle, Willow, Wormwood
Planet: Moon
Sign: Cancer
Angel: Gabriel
Colors: Silver, White and Gray
Herbs/Plants: Night Flowers, Willow Root, Orris Root, Birch, Motherwort, Vervain, White Rose and White Iris
Stones: Carnelian, Moonstone, Aquamarine, Pearl, Clear Quartz, Flourite, Geodes
Oil: (Moon) Jasmine, Lemon, Sandalwood

Goddesses: Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaeleach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The Greeks Associated With Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast

Daily Wisdom
July 15, 2019 


“For we must share, if we would keep,
that blessing from above;
Ceasing to give, we cease to have;
such is the law of love.”
-Richard C. Trench

By sharing we recognize the abundance of whatever it is we have and are content to allow others to participate in our good fortune. There’s another saying that “love isn’t love until you give it away.” Blessings, like love, are meant to be shared. And whatever we share we seem to have more of!

-Lissa Coffey


Beliefnet: 7 Powerful Habits to Transform Your Life

Your habits play a vital role in shaping up your life and bringing desired outcomes. Whatever and wherever you are today, it’s the sum of your habits. The law of karma says your actions alone are responsible for what you will be tomorrow, which means the habits you practice today will determine how your tomorrow will be.

Read more………………

About Cat’s Morning Bits: These daily post are reblogged from various email newsletters that I receive each day.

I invite you to check out my websites!

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!
Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

The Zest of High Adventure: Cat’s Angel Message for November 29, 2017 




The Zest of High Adventure: Cat’s Angel Message for November 29, 2017   

November’s Theme: Watching our thoughts. Positive opens and draws, Negative closes and blocks. Stay focused on what you want and not what you fear.

It is in the compelling zest of high adventure and of victory, and in creative action, that man finds his supreme joys.

– Antoine de Saint-Exupery


1129: As we prepare to close out the month of  November our angels are sending us the following message:  ” The positive thought patterns that you are creating are important part of why you are here as well as being important to your overall well being. Use your experiences to help others and set a positive example about the power of positive vibes and the peace that it brings.” We can also rely on  our own inner guidance which can set us in the proper frame of mind to make things happen and keep us moving forward.  Remember that even taking small steps is making progress so keep yourself focused and keep your optimism high. When you pave the way for good things you can find them around every corner.

Look to the beauty of Iris, the Roman Goddess of the Rainbow today. Rainbows are magickal things that provide us with childlike wonder. Beautiful Iris helps us to recapture our zest for life and shows the magick around us. The ascended spiritual teacher Vywamus helps us to heal on all levels and encourages us to embrace inspiration as it comes to us, and Archangel Michael protects us from negative energies and helps us to put our best self forward. Our Sacred Stone for today is Quartz Crystal. This stone promotes our natural enthusiasm and our ability to live life to the fullest.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!


I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Sacred Spirals on Facebook: The place where all paths meet at 
The Desert Path: The Dusty Ramblings of a Desert Pagan & Cat’s Treasure Trove: An eclectic  collection of jewelry & gifts:

Thought for the Day: July 17, 2017 “A Survival Tip”

Happy Monday so let’s get this party started!

We have within us all we need for our personal survival …. you know, the day to day kind. This leads us to our thought for the day. As we make our way through “life” remember, embrace your magick, stay strong and always look for the humor. This little survival plan costs us nothing except a little positive focus. Now…… let’s get out there and make this an awesome day!



I invite you to check out my other websites:
Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts:  at
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at

Universal Magick: Cat’s Angel Message for June 20, 2017 

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Universal Magick: Cat’s Angel Message for June 20, 2017 

June Theme: Balance – Focus – Faith 

The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. ~ Eden Phillpotts

620: We will start receiving a big boost of energy  as we head into tomorrow,  which is the Summer Solstice. It will be the official beginning of summer and the longest day of the year. This is a time of amazing energy and by tapping into this power source we can increase our power of manifestation. The key to success lies in faith and belief in yourself and the Divine Source. The stronger our belief the more clearly we see the blessings and miracles that surround us. This includes the “Tiny Miracles”, which are often more important than the big shiney ones. Today the angels are asking us to embrace the divine magick of the Universe and carry it over into tomorrow event.

We have a bevy of helpers today that can help us to see, feel and access Divine magick. You can call on Archangels Ariel and Raziel, and the Ascended Masters Dana, Isis, Lugh,Maat, Merlin, Solomon and Thoth. Our sacred Stone today is Labradorite. it is called “The Bringer of Light”  and is both protective and mystical. It helps to raise consciousness and connects us to the energies of the Universe.

Blessings for a magickal day!

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts!  at  

and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at 

The Desert Path: The Dusty Ramblings of a Desert Pagan.

Thought for the Day: June 15, 2017

Happy Thursday, the end of the week is almost here!

Magick is everywhere. It lives inside every living thing… including you. You are capable of creating great things and are in fact worthy of them. When you believe in your own power there is nothing you cannot accomplish! What magick will you create today?


I invite you to check out my other websites:
Cat’s Treasure Trove: An Eclectic Collection of Jewelry & Gifts:  at
and my group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet at